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Create a Powerful You with a Vision Board

Create a Powerful You with a Vision Board by Laura Clark | #AspireMag

Our brains. They are fascinating processors of our human experience. They take stimuli we see and feel and process them. This stimuli we give our brains gets translated into complex statements given to our subconscious mind. Our subconscious mind then influences us to achieve these statements.

What are you feeding your mind? Many of us are not even aware that we repeat messages over and over to ourselves.

“I’m not good enough.”

“I can’t do that.”

“I don’t have time.”

“I don’t have the money.”

“I’m not smart enough.”

“I don’t look the part.”

They say that repetition is the mother of invention. If you are repeating something like this, over and over again, what are you inventing in your life? No doubt, if this is happening, you are inventing a life that is not worthy of the unique spirit that you are. The good news is that with attention to what you feed your mind, you can create new intentions that build the life dreams are made of.

New Images to fuel your brain.

The world is full of images. Training your brain to choose the images that inspire is easy. The most valuable visualization tool available to most of us is the creation of your own Vision Board. (Also known as mind maps, Soul Collages®, and dream boards) This is a powerful manifestation tool because it serves as the image you desire of the future. It is a visual representation of where you are going. Created, with intention and connection to your inner wisdom, it represents your goals and your dreams.

A Vision Board works because of how strongly our minds react and respond to visual stimulation. By creating a board that has pictures and images chosen by your inner wisdom’s knowing of what you desire, you stimulate these desires each and every time you look at your board. This inner joy you feel when you look at your board elevates your vibration. Daily living and acting within a higher vibrational field allows you to act upon these emotions and attract more of these desires into your life.

How to create a Vision Board that aligns with your innate desires:

The process of creating a board should be fun! Find a time and place (or even a workshop!) where you can be devoted to this process. Allow yourself to sink into your soul space and then find pictures that represent the experiences and feelings you want to attract into your life. You can add in words you discover from magazines or even write them on the board yourself. You can include an image of your happiest self too!

Vision boards can serve as an overall board for your life’s desires. You can also create them for projects or areas of your life. Many of my clients have selected themes such as: My Healthiest Self, A nurturing Mom, A spirited Entrepreneur, A Bestselling Author, and more.

Using Your Vision Board.

A vision board works. You can put it in a draw and forget about it and look at it months or years later and you will be amazed at what manifests in that time. However, there are many more powerful ways to use them. If images are ways to influence your subconscious, then you will want to have them available to do their work!

There are many places to place your vision board so it can support you. I believe that having them available for where they are most useful in your life. Here are just a few ideas:

Having them where you see them in the morning so that they begin your best, most inspired day.

Having them by your bed stand to end your day on a positive note and inspire your subconscious during its most powerful time~ sleep.

Having a theme board where they work while you are taking action on the theme:

A healthy, Vibrant Self Board ~ in your kitchen

An Entreprenuer’s Board ~ in your home office

An Author Board ~ your sacred writing space (I’ve even known people to use it as their computer screen)

A Nurturing Mom Board ~ in your child’s bedroom (age-dependent). One clever client took a picture of their board and put a smaller image of it on her steering wheel as she often was “taxi-mom”

As time goes forward, your subconscious goes to work in powerful ways. You start seeing more images surrounding beyond your image board of like-images of inspiration. The Law of Attraction starts to work immediately and allows you to act and BE that which you visualize.

Creating Vision Boards is not a one and done event

Vision boards are meant to be created continually. My recommendation, unless it is a theme board, is to create one at least once a year. Theme boards can be created more often! Over time, you will see just how much the feelings depicted on a board have come into your life already! Look at your board often and feel it infuse you with all that you desire. Infuse your board with spirit energy ~ move it around some, clear it of stagnant energy often and allow it to be inspired by a new moon phase.

Most importantly, a vision board really is not about the FUTURE. It is about bringing the future closer to you. Allow yourself to feel what you want to become NOW. Allow the board to inspire where you want to be in the day’s activity NOW. Be inspired NOW. Live that life NOW and you’ll discover more joy and abundance than ever before.

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About the author 

Laura Clark

Sought after Master Soul Coach® and Instructor trainer, Laura Clark knows that Living In-Joy comes from following your own inner wisdom. Through her own recovery from depression and 20 years as an entrepreneur, Laura fully understands the life interrupts and barriers that are obstacles to living a life of ease, grace, joy and happiness. She is the founder of, trained and certified by Denise Linn and believes that your soul knows the truth. She empowers her clients to hear their soul’s whispers more consistently, understand it more clearly and act upon it more courageously for a life filled with greater joy and abundance than ever imagined. As an International best-selling author and engaging speaker, Laura brings her unique wit and a down to earth, practical approach to implementing spirituality and soul-wise living into your life.

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  • Hi Laura! I love, love, love the idea of creating Vision Boards with different themes (family, work, etc.) — I’ve never thought of doing this!! Some of mine in the past felt a bit disjointed and it’s because I was trying to fit in too many images! Now I know I can have it all — but just represent it on different boards. Brilliant! Thanks so much for sharing! xxoo

    • Laura Clark says:

      Stacey ~ i so understand the how a board can ‘feel’ disjointed by wanting to put on so much ~ one of the things that serves my clients so well is my ability to sort that disjointedness out with my private interpretations from a tradition handed down to me by one of my mentors of their boards!! It allows them to see how it can all come together and ignite the manifestion!

  • Teresa Morrow says:

    I love doing vision boards. I like your suggestions about doing theme vision boards—another neat idea. I have seen how after I look back at them, how I have manifested different things for myself. Nice post!

    • Laura Clark says:

      So glad, Teresa, that yours have served you so well!!!

  • Laura, I still look at the board I created in your workshop last year every day. I see it as soon as I get up in the morning and I smile every time I see it. I like the idea of creating theme boards! Maybe that should be on the list for this year.

    • Laura Clark says:

      Your board rocks, Stacy! I remember when you made it ~ a theme board may be right up your alley this year!

  • WoW! I like the thought of bringing the future closer NoW.

    • Laura Clark says:

      Your future is NOW, Cindy!!!! 🙂

  • Vision boards rock! Thanks for the idea of creating them for different areas of our lives. Very cool. XO Shann

    • Laura Clark says:

      Shann ~ The different area boards are really cool ~ I’m doing a VIsion Board for my Ideal Client myself next week in my Workshop I’m hosting!

  • Tai Goodwin says:

    Vision boards are a powerful tool for manifesting things in your life. [Totally True Story] I used a vision board to attract my husband! About two years before I met him, I made a board that included a statue of two people intertwined – one white and one brown. A year ago (about four years later) I was going through old stuff and found the vision board. I got a little chocked up when I saw what had manifested: Who would have thought that a brown girl from Philadelphia would relocate to Minnesota and meet and marry a white guy.

  • Cant wait to finally do my Vision Board for the bright big year ahead!! Im even planning on getting the kids involved too! never too early to teach them how to connect with their inner desires!!

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