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Conscious & Creative Self-Care for Women in Transition

Conscious & Creative Self-Care for Women in Transition by Julia McCutchen | #AspireMag

All of the women I work with are on the brink of some kind of transition within themselves and in their lives. Whether the details relate to taking the next steps with their creative ideas, writing aspirations, business vision or a mix of them all, the underlying theme is always to do with the emergence of a new level of self-discovery.

A conscious and creative approach to self-care is an integral part of our work together because this is the way out of confusion and into clarity about what to release and what to embrace for the next stage of living their authentic truth.

Major and Minor

I know this process well as it’s one I’ve been consciously engaged with over the last 17 years following a life changing accident that turned my world upside down.

A head injury sustained from a falling stage spotlight when I was at a conference in Cyprus left me unable to work for over a year. Alongside recovering from the physical trauma, the primary challenge was losing all sense of who I was.

Despite the prolonged periods of darkness and uncertainty, the experience gave me a priceless gift – the opportunity to discover my true nature and re-build myself and my life from the inside out.

Since then I’ve experienced countless major and minor transitions, and finally learnt how crucial self-care is for living in alignment with my soul.

Facing the Challenge

We all have our own version of this story. The details may be different but the principles are the same. Something stops us in our tracks and we’re called to step up to a new state of being like the call to adventure on the Hero’s Journey.

Naturally we can refuse that call. Yet eventually, a stirring deep within nudges us forwards into the transition despite the challenges that lie ahead. These usually include:

  • Uncertainty – we’ve started to move on from what has been but haven’t yet discovered all that is to come. We’re not sure about anything and wrestle with not knowing what to do next.
  • Self-doubt – the shifting sands of any kind of transition shake our confidence to the core. We struggle to retain our sense of self-worth in the cold and choppy seas of change.
  • Confusion – we endlessly ponder the details of our situation yet initially remain locked in habitual patterns, unable to break through to the clarity we seek.

When we’re in transition challenges such as these often take us away from the very practices of holistic self-care that support us the most. When we feel dispirited from the tough reality of change, it’s all too easy not to bother.

Into the Truth

One of the most powerful and effective ways through such testing times is to adopt a conscious and creative approach to holistic self-care based on understanding a fundamental truth.

The issues we face are a product of our everyday self, the part of us that has been taught by our parents, teachers, colleagues and cultural norms to see ourselves and the world in specific ways.

Our journey of self-discovery leads us increasingly to let go of who we think we should be and connect with a deeper level of inner truth; our true self, the eternal and unchanging part of us that lies beyond our anxieties and fears.

Along the way, conscious and creative self-care guides us to cultivate the awareness we need to realize what the author Richard Bach summed up so beautifully, “What the caterpillar calls the end of the world, the master calls a butterfly.”

Opening to Clarity

Nurturing ourselves at every level opens up the contraction we inevitably feel when experiencing challenges of any kind.

This holistic approach leads us into the expansion of awareness that is the source of the clarity we need to navigate our transition and emerge feeling more whole and complete than ever before.

Regardless of how little time we think we have for anything other than our endless list of “essential” tasks, making sacred self-care a genuine priority will always lead us to make faster and more fulfilling progress.

Here’s the How

Our conscious and creative path includes caring for all aspects of ourselves – body, mind, emotions and soul:

 – BODY: regular conscious movement such as yoga, tai chi, pilates or simply going for walk ideally on your own and surrounded by nature is deeply nourishing.

Physical activity releases feel good hormones into your system and research shows that it boosts creativity, clarity and productivity. This is especially the case when you avoid the trap of losing yourself in a whirlwind of thoughts and instead pay attention to being fully present in the moment as you move.

Dive in: make this a priority at least three times a week and add regular massages into the mix for complete relaxation and release.


– MIND: whether or not you have aspirations to write as a form of creative expression or component of your work, conscious writing which includes journaling and project writing for books, blogs and more clears your mind.

The space you create from downloading your thoughts and feelings is immensely refreshing and allows what’s truly important to rise effortlessly to the surface of your conscious awareness.

Dive in: begin or recommit to a basic practice of hand-written journaling and pour your stream of everyday consciousness onto the page to process your blocks and gain a clear perspective on the details you’re dealing with.


– EMOTIONS: from a conscious and creative point of view, one of the best ways to care for your emotional health is to ensure that inspiration is an integral part of your daily life.

It’s so easy to forget the importance of re-filling our inner creative well. Yet we usually put so much energy out to the world that unless we do, we end up depleting ourselves and running on empty which negatively impacts our ability to handle change.

Dive in: make a list of at least ten things that inspire you and trigger feelings of joy such as having fresh flowers in your house, cooking colorful meals, listening to music or spending time with like-minded friends. Commit to incorporating one or more of these into your life every day.


– SOUL: a regular practice to establish and maintain a conscious connection with the essence of who you truly are brings you into alignment with your soul.

The clarity that comes from this coherent view of yourself, your life and all it contains is undoubtedly the greatest self-care act of all. With this in place, your perspective shifts and your next steps are ultimately revealed.

Dive in: engage in a formal practice of regular meditation or simply take 5 minutes each day to breathe into wholeness in whatever way works best for you to feel your inherent connection to Source. Then carry that presence forwards into each moment of your day.

If you’re in transition and feeling called to step up to the next level in any area of your life, empower yourself by adopting this conscious and creative approach. It will lead you to release your fears and live your authentic truth as an increasingly genuine reflection of your soul. Maya Angelou puts it like this, “A woman in harmony with her spirit is like a river flowing. She goes where she will without pretence and arrives at her destination prepared to be herself and only herself.”

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About the author 

Julia McCutchen

Julia McCutchen is an intuitive creator, writer and mentor who guides people to share their unique gifts through creating, writing and living from a conscious and vibrant connection to Truth. A former international publisher, Julia experienced a life-changing accident in 1999 which triggered a series of major quantum leaps in her spiritual awakening. She subsequently developed a tried and tested holistic approach to access the present and aligned state required for original creative expression in all areas of life, especially writing. She is the founder and creative director of the International Association of Conscious & Creative Writers (IACCW) and the author of two books including, Conscious Writing: Discover Your True Voice Through Mindfulness and More (Hay House).

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  • Jennifer Sharp says:

    Hi Julia,
    Having just read your article – Conscious and Creative Self-Care for Women in
    Transition – you touched the core of my heart. From the facing of challenges and feelings of uncertainty, self-doubt, and much confusion about myself, to those moments of darkness and the opportunities those moments bring, I am so blessed to have you in my life. I deeply resonate with what you write and
    am in the process of letting go of so much in my life, learning about
    and finding me – the truth of who I really am. From the bottom of my heart, keep doing what you do, keep being you. xx

    • Hello Jenny

      Thank you so much for your heartfelt comments which have touched me deeply!

      I feel both humbled and a deep sense of gratitude that my words are providing you with the guidance you need to reconnect with who you truly are. This is what it’s all about for me, and if my work is in some way reflecting your true nature back to you, then I know I’m on track with what I’m here to be and do.

      So heartfelt thanks for your sharing your comment. I wholeheartedly encourage you to keep being you, the real you that you already are, and discovering that more and more as the veils which obscure it from your conscious awareness dissolve.

      Julia x

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