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Communicate with Your Ancestors

Communicate with Your Ancestors by Mariangela Parrodi | #AspireMag

Have you heard the whispering of your ancestors, wanting to connect with you? They have been standing by your side, helping you to connect with your roots, and guiding you to find your path to success. You have your own blend of magic that has been passed down to you from your ancestors; their gifts, talents and abilities are encoded in your cells.  

The voices of your ancestors want to positively influence your life, nudging you to trust your guidance and motivating you to go after your dreams. Access the hidden secrets of the ancestors, listen to their voices, and connect to untapped knowledge.  

You will receive insights through channelling, as the voice of your ancestors comes in, with higher wisdom. You too can learn to communicate regularly; it will bring you love, awareness, and understanding into your life.  

This connection to the spirit of your ancestors will help to restore your health and guide you to reach your dreams. You will find your wings, spark a new level of confidence and enthusiasm, and awaken your purpose. 

Your ancestors are here. 

They have always been with you. They are helping you remember where you come from and supporting you to reconnect to your roots. Their blood courses through your veins and their DNA has been passed down to you.  

Their strengths are your strengths. Their gifts are your gifts. 

Every lineage has its blessings and struggles.  

When you heal and release the burden, the blessings can come through. 

In my experience these blessings can be profound, bringing through welcome transformation and prosperity. There are significant blessings and connections with your lineage, especially when you go further back through the generations. 

Why should I heal my ancestral line? 

When you heal your ancestral lines it relieves your lineage of pain, illness, trauma and repeating inherited negative behaviours. 

That’s not the only benefit; it opens a beautiful portal and pathway for you to engage with your ancestors to receive protection, guidance, help, advice and spiritual blessings. 

Call on the resilient ancestors. 

 1. Make sure that anytime you call on your ancestors, specify your well–healed ancestors. Those who are healthy, resolved, and in good relationship with the ancestors before them. They will act as support to release your inherited issues. Sometimes their guidance will come to you through dreams, and songs on the radio. 

2. Have a direct connection to your ancestors to heal the suffering of the unhealed ancestors. As you clear and release the ancestral pain, fear, trauma, and addictions that have been passed down to you, which are embedded in the cells, tissues and organs, you will transform and begin to thrive and live the life of your dreams. 

Prepare for the Ancestral Ritual 

You are walking the path your ancestors have carved out; all their wishes, dreams and intentions can be renewed through you. 

As you heal yourself, you can heal the ancestral line, and the family tree can heal, breaking the old bonds to struggle and adversity. You can transcend the inherited fears and perceived limitations, and weave in the new pathways.  

You may also be carrying some of their negative ancestral patterning that does not support you, and it is essential to clear them. Ancestral healing clears the negative impact your ancestral inheritance has on your life. By healing the blocks and limiting beliefs, that are stored in your DNA, it will open your opportunities, prosperity and success. 

Your Father’s line gives you structure and the power to move forward, so you can open your aligned path. 

Your Mother’s line is fruitful, and it will bring you prosperity, so you can have personal success in your choices and relationships.  

Light a candle in memory of your ancestors, as this opens the connection to the spirit realm. 

Intention: Make your connection to the Divine and the Earth. Place your hand on your heart and inhale the support of your ancestors.  

Ask to cut the negative cords, where you are carrying some of their negative ancestral patterning that does not support you.  

Transcend all the difficulties from the bloodlines, bring forgiveness to any suffering you have inherited and experienced and release the pain. 

Then open the new path to your destiny, as this releases you from the past imprinting of struggle and expands the possibilities for future generations. 

Blessing from your Ancestors 

Imagine the presence of your grandmother, and on the left-hand side, in her presence and strength. Breathe this force. Behind her visualize your great-grandmother, with all her pains, joys, fears, dreams, and triumphs. Then see behind her your great-great-grandmother, and so on, in an endless female line of ancestors that goes back in time. Receive the strength of this lineage. 

Receive the blessings from this lineage to you. 

Imagine the presence of your grandfather, on your right side and imagine him placing his hand on your right shoulder. Feel his presence and strength. Behind him, visualize his great-grandfather, with all his pains, joys, fears, dreams, and triumphs. Behind your great-grandfather, imagine your great-great-grandfather, all your endless male line of ancestors. Receive the strength of this lineage. 

Receive the blessings from this lineage to you. 

Perceive the ancestral line and how much history, how many memories, dreams, intentions, and how much of their lives are alive in your spiritual DNA, and imprinting. 

All of their dreams are carefully woven into your physical and energic blueprint. There is an incredible curative blessing hidden in ancestral healing. 

Breathe a couple of times and perceive the hidden blessing as you confidently face your own destiny. Take a moment to journal any words or messages. 

Notice any changes: 

Your body will feel renewed. 

Your spirit will be open and alive. 

Life will feel light and supported.

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About the author 

Mariangela Parrodi

Mariangela Parrodi is an alchemist, transformational medical intuitive healer, shaman, naturopath, spiritual coach, #1 International best-selling author of “The Mystic Woman’s Compass’. For 30 years, she’s practised in the fields of energy medicine, biomedical science, and naturopathy. She helps you to transform the past, and express your sacred gifts to live a joy-filled, prosperous destiny. Learn more about Mariangela at

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