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Clutter Clearing Sanity Savers

Clutter Clearing Sanity Savers by Kellyann Schaefer | #AspireMag

As Spring begins and Summer approaches, people want a more open airy feel to their home.They want to be able to spend more time at the beach or laying by the pool, and one of the ways to make that happen is by being on top of things at “home”.

For me personally, too much Clutter can easily “set me off”. Whereas, cutting clutter can literally make me happier!!
I can see the beautiful counters. I appreciate the calm welcoming feeling of a neat bedroom. And I can appreciate the things I have by “seeing” them!

Now of course, are the kitchen counters allllways clean? Do I allllllways go to bed with a spotless home? Do I never have a pile of 3 days worth of clothes on my bench? Hellll no!! BUT, I make an effort to be sure to be as clear and organized as possible without making myself crazy!

The reality for many of us is that when you have a neat organized home where everything has a “place”, you can easily maintain those systems. Even when your life gest extra busy and things seem to have lost control in your living space, when there is a system in place it’s much easier to reclaim it. Plus systems enable having a process that you can teach to someone! Whether that is your children, spouse or assistant!

Today I am going to share with you 10 Simple tricks that we use in my home that will save keep you more organized and save time!

1. Keep a bucket of cleaning supplies on each level of the home. Makes quick clean ups a snap!

2. Always open mail near the recycling container. Less to process once in the house.

3. Have a local “dumping” zone for the wallet, keys and cell phone. Be sure it is where you leave and enter the home for a quicker household exit!

4. Rotate and store your off season clothing. Ladies, this is for you especially!! Stop squishing all your beautiful clothes in your closet. By rotating you’ll have far less clutter. (Shoes too!)

5. For homes with small children, leave a large “bin” in the bottom of the coat closet. Let the little ones put their coat there. No need for you to hang the items, or worry about the danger of hooks.

6. Keep an empty box in the garage for donations. Anytime you come across something you don’t need, you know exactly where to put it. Once full, call a local nonprofit to come pick it up.

7. Simple trick: Keep things where you use them! One of the biggest organizing mistakes is people like to “stash” stuff so it isn’t seen. The problem is that you can’t find it when you actually need it!

8. Donate old plastic containers and egg cartons to your child’s art teacher or the local kid’s camp. They always find a use!

9. Do a cleanup dash with a laundry basket. Go room to room filling the basket with what is out of place and put away as you reach that room

10. When making your grocery list: Write your list in order of the store. Soon enough it becomes second nature and you despise when your local market switches things up on you

Give it a shot! And let me know if having less clutter and mess in your space makes you just a little bit happier??

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About the author 

Kellyann Schaefer

A skilled, “multi-tasking” mother of four, Kellyann Schaefer is the owner of Task Complete, a personal assistance, errand and concierge service. Kelly made a career in nursing for many years as a Registered Nurse. During her tenure as a nurse, she honed her organizational skills and became adept at balancing a busy household while administering compassionate care to her patients. She began witnessing an epidemic of burn out - burn out amongst not only nurses and medical professionals, but within her community as well. Too many people taking on too many responsibilities and leaving no time for themselves or their spouses. Many having no one to turn to for support or assistance. In business today, she upholds a mission of giving families and busy professionals reliable and compassionate assistance so they can meet the demands of everyday life and live a life of purpose...on purpose! Learn how Kellyann and Task Complete can support you in doing less and living more. Visit

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