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Clear Negative Generational Patterns with Ancestral Clearing

Clear Negative Generational Patterns with Ancestral Clearing by Elizabeth Kipp | #AspireMag

Our ancestors went through trials and tribulations one generation after the next. The imprints of these experiences live in us. We are beginning to understand how inherited fears and other stressors can affect the health and behavior of a family for generations. Research suggests that stressful behavior is passed through generations.  

Stress from the past can influence the present. 

Stressors in our environment alter the expression of genes without changing the DNA sequence. For example, if your grandparent lived through heavy stress, such as World War II, certain gene expressions may be turned on or off for generations, affecting your behavior. Epigenetic studies have revealed that descendants of survivors of the Holocaust have lower cortisol, a stress hormone, levels than the control group in the study of people who had not been exposed to that environment. The very fabric of our being is affected by the experiences of our ancestors. 

Another example of the residue of unresolved stress we carry is the current discord between feminine and masculine energies. This struggle between the sexes arose through fear – of “the other,” misunderstandings, people insisting that their way was the only way, persecuting those who went “another way,” greed and jealousy, and other influences.  

The witch – and warlock – trials of the past arose because of some of these factors. So much pain, suffering, fear, and bitterness came from these events. And many of the victims of those executions were fully exonerated posthumously many years later.  Yet, these energies continue today within us and our social systems because they remain unresolved as burdens from the past. We carry these as such burdens. Yet, we have tools today that can help us clear the negativity they imprinted on and in us.  

Ancestral Clearing helps us release old unhealthy patterns. 

Some of what we are endowed with provides us with extraordinary resilience. And some of it is the residue of past unresolved stress and unfinished business. You may be noticing old, negative patterns echoing into your life from your family. You don’t have to continue feeling the influence of these imprints. Some modalities help us release the weight of these unhealthy burdens. Ancestral Clearing is one such modality.  

Ancestral Clearing is a powerful tool for everyone to help release the energy and weight of old unhealthy physical, emotional, or spiritual patterns that no longer serve. The process directs us to the body, where energy from the past can be stored. 

Ancestral Clearing helps you heal remnants of past and generational trauma that can negatively influence your life. It enables you to differentiate your authentic voice from the voices around you and make space to feel into and live your ideas and dreams.  

How does Ancestral Clearing work? 

We begin the process with the willingness to deepen our healing. We then ask humbly and gratefully for help from a Power greater than ourselves. We don’t need to believe in a Higher Power to get help any more than we must believe in gravity for it to act on us. We receive help when we ask for it and remain open to receiving it. This Power is everywhere at once, within us and around us. 

The Practitioner for the Ancestral Clearing session attunes to the client and opens themselves to receiving from the Higher Power. The client decides what issue they wish to work on during the session and relates this to the Practitioner. Now we have the possibility and transformation regarding what the client wishes to work on. 

Relieve pent-up stress. 

We forego, offer up, and resolve the unresolved energy we carry around the client’s current issue. For instance, the unresolved effects of trauma from past wars in our lineage have left a deep imprint in our DNA; they are stored there as an unresolved burden. That imprint shows up as a limitation in our life. We ask for help from the Higher Power to help us release the energy of this. As we connect to our Higher Power, the impulses from these imprints come from within the body as sensations and arise to clear, resolving themselves. People frequently report feeling lighter after an Ancestral Clearing session. It’s both simple and profound. 

You carry the wisdom of your ancestors. 

We were born into this realm, at this time, and into this family line. Each of us has a profound purpose that only we can fulfill for our bloodlines and all their relationships. The ancestors are alive within us. Their footprints echo in every cell in the body.  

Take heart! Even with all the trials and traumas the ancestors went through and all you have endured in this lifetime, you are instilled with such wisdom through the ages. And it lives, thriving deep within you. Go forward into your next step, knowing the depth and breadth of knowledge you carry and how many are stepping with you, cheering you on. 

It’s your turn now.

All the trials and tribulations your ancestors went through, and their successes and challenges are imprinted into your DNA. You are the culmination of all their efforts. Leverage the gifts of the ancestors by transmuting their unresolved trauma. It’s our turn now. When we clear the burdens of the past, we can fully blossom into our present. 

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About the author 

Elizabeth Kipp

Elizabeth R. Kipp is a Stress Management Specialist, Ancestral Clearing® Practitioner, Trauma-Trained and Yoga-Informed Addiction Recovery Coach (Recovery 2.0), Yoga Teacher (RYT), and author of The Way Through Chronic Pain: Tools to Reclaim Your Healing Power. Find Elizabeth at and on LinkedIn.

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