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Clear the Clutter to Create More Joy

Clear the Clutter to Create More Joy by Laura Clark | #AspireMag

If you want more joy, Just Look to your surroundings. Can you move freely in and out of your home? Clutter clogs the flow of energy in a home. When the flow of energy in a home is clogged, Joy will be stunted.  The best place to ‘test’ this is to assess the entry way of your home.  Does it welcome you with Joy?

Close your eyes and imagine yourself going into a hoarder’s home.  You open the door and indeed it does not open freely. It gets blocked by something behind it. You take another step in and you are faced with a pile of stuff that you now hoave to maneuver around. Do you go right? Do you go left? You look around and you begin to recoil. Indeed, it is hard to breathe. You automatically become confused. You have indeed forgotten the purpose of coming into this space in the first place.

Now, imagine going into that same space that is kept tidy and clean. You open the door. You are immediately met by the aroma of freshly cut flowers. The air is clean and crisp. The door opens feely as if it say “Welcome. Come in.” The path is clear ahead of you and it suggests coming through the threshold and leaving your coat on the coat tree and then stepping into the living area.

Now, close your eyes and imagine coming into your own home…. It probably is something in between ~ and hopefully, closer to the freshly cleaned scenario above. Does your door open fully? Does the smell inspire your olfactory senses? Is there an invitation to come in?

Feng shui is the ancient art of Chinese placement that allows for flow of energy.  It balances the elements of wind and water (and others) to allow for greater Joy of living. There is no better place to start looking at your home than in the entrance way and hallway. This area is called the Mouth of Chi ~ or the beginning of energy flow into your home.

If energy doesn’t flow into your home, it will stagnate energy flow in the entire area. It can energetically hold you back. It can block up emotions and can even create health problems. Clutter influences thought. With it, choices are hard to make. Decisions are more difficult to come by.  You will ultimately find yourself in a place of flux, indecision and lack of joy.

Creating an entry way that allows energy to flow in freely is about organization.  Here are a few best practices for your entrance way that will allow energy to flow into your home to inspire more Joy in your life.

Have your door open freely, fully and easily. Repair it if necessary. Grease the hinges if it squeeks and pick up anything behind it that stops its ability to open.

Have a place to easily set down anything in your hands and to hang coats. A small table for keys and a coat tree are wonderful accessories if the space allows.

If you have a coat closet, use it. Clean it out seasonally so that it does not get cluttered.

Just beyond the entrance way, have an eye catching piece of art that draws you into the home. If there is a table visible, keep it clutter free and consider keeping a colorful arrangement on it.

Create your Mouth of Chi so that the energy from outside flows naturally into your home when the door opens.  Give yourself the present of clutter free living that allows this energy to flow freely and easily around your home. This energy creates clarity and gives you the space to make choices best on this clarity and what’s best for you. Then, your joy increases and your soul sings!

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About the author 

Laura Clark

Sought after Master Soul Coach® and Instructor trainer, Laura Clark knows that Living In-Joy comes from following your own inner wisdom. Through her own recovery from depression and 20 years as an entrepreneur, Laura fully understands the life interrupts and barriers that are obstacles to living a life of ease, grace, joy and happiness. She is the founder of, trained and certified by Denise Linn and believes that your soul knows the truth. She empowers her clients to hear their soul’s whispers more consistently, understand it more clearly and act upon it more courageously for a life filled with greater joy and abundance than ever imagined. As an International best-selling author and engaging speaker, Laura brings her unique wit and a down to earth, practical approach to implementing spirituality and soul-wise living into your life.

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