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Clear Your Clutter to Clearly Hear Your Inner Wisdom

Clear Your Clutter to Clearly Hear Your Inner Wisdom by Laura Clark | #AspireMag

To live a life based on our inner desires takes time to understand them. When we allow life to become so full and busy that it becomes cluttered it is difficult to hear and understand what our inner wisdom is telling us. Our inner wisdom is our truth.  It is that which speaks softly to us of our dreams and desires. Hearing it and understanding it is imperative to our well-being. It gives us the courage to live our lives to the fullest joy possible!

When we control the clutter in our lives then tuning into your inner wisdom becomes easier.  So what is clutter?  An easy definition is that it is an accumulation of things that impede the flow of energy in our life. It comes in all shapes and sizes. There is physical clutter in our homes and our offices that we can see. This includes things we don’t use or don’t love. There is emotional clutter ~ otherwise none as our baggage ~ feelings of hurt and anger not yet resolved. There is informational clutter which includes too much time on social media or listening to news that decreases the energy within you. There is even energetic clutter where the air is so full that energy gets stuck.  This kind of energy is that is held within a home after a long, cold winter!

It is imperative that energy flow freely around you and within you. When energy gets stuck, you are unable to hear your own inner wisdom consistently. It becomes harder to understand it and certainly then you get lost in the hem and haw of decision making and it becomes easy to let day to day life take over!

Clutter stops this energetic flow. If you are struggling with clutter, you are not alone. Clutter accumulates in the blink of an eye in this day and age. Our homes tend to be larger and we want to fill up each nook and cranny. Clutter clearing, though, allows the energy to begin to flow. There is less stuff to trip over and less stuff to clean.

But, it goes deeper than this. Clutter clearing can be a catalyst to you tuning into your inner wisdom.  When material objects take up energetic space, we begin to see that more clearly. It begins to take up mind-space and we allow it to speak to us negatively.

It is by nature that we want pure energy in our homes.  Consider this. It’s a beautiful spring day. You want to allow the fresh air in to clean the energy of your space!  You open your front door wide and this energy is greeted by the winter coats, boots, scarves and mittens in the best case scenario hung on the hooks in the entryway. Often, though, by the end of the winter they are in disarray in this space. This beautiful spring energy is stopped by this clutter! You will not get the full benefits of this wonderful, fresh air bringing in crisp, light energy into your home.

This is a simple scenario of how clutter affects the flow of energy throughout your home. Of course, all the other clutter beyond the front door has the ability to bog down the energy. It has the ability to make you feel weighed down and unable to move as freely as you like. Because you feel weighed down, your inner wisdom gets shut down. Clutter actually impedes the ability to make clear decisions that are aligned for your best interest.

Clutter has so many negative effects. Research has shown that those who live with clutter in their home actually are more exhausted, stressed and overwhelmed then those who don’t. Clutter limits you. It creates disorganization and everything you do takes longer.  From a Feng Shui perspective, when clutter is in the basement, the foundation of your life can become faulty and when it is in the attic, it limits your highest aspirations.  Clutter also exists at work ~ even in a home office. It makes it difficult to focus and process information. An excess of things in your space competes with your attention and results in decreased productivity.

That is the negative side of clutter. The opposite is living a life that is free of these obstacles. The more able you are to clear the clutter around you, the easier it is to make decisions based on your own inner wisdom ~ your truth ~ and thus, you are able to make the best choices for you and your loved ones. The more you are able to remove clutter from your life, the more you are able to hear your inner wisdom, understand it and act upon it  to step up into your fullest potential.

Clearing out clutter is not as difficult as it may seem. It can be done with simple and consistent steps. The best way to clear out the clutter is to start with an intention. If you want to clean out the clutter so that you can tune into your inner wisdom with greater consistency and with greater understanding, so that you can live your life based on your inner most desires, then you most likely will.

As you begin the process of clutter clearing, ask yourself these three questions. Do I love it? Do I Use it? Do I have a place to keep it? If you answered yes, to all three of these questions, keep it by putting it in an optimal place. If you answered no, place it into one of three boxes you create. (A give away box, a recycle box or a trash box.)

Once you have your space ‘in order’, it’s important that you celebrate it and yourself. Give the space a beautiful gift like flowers. Uplift the space by using a scented candle that exponentially enhances the new found energy of the space. Congratulate yourself on a job well done. Close your eyes and breathe in the new energy and ask your inner wisdom that question you’ve wanted an answer to for so long. It will speak to you clearly and guide you to living your life based on your dreams and desires!

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About the author 

Laura Clark

Sought after Master Soul Coach® and Instructor trainer, Laura Clark knows that Living In-Joy comes from following your own inner wisdom. Through her own recovery from depression and 20 years as an entrepreneur, Laura fully understands the life interrupts and barriers that are obstacles to living a life of ease, grace, joy and happiness. She is the founder of, trained and certified by Denise Linn and believes that your soul knows the truth. She empowers her clients to hear their soul’s whispers more consistently, understand it more clearly and act upon it more courageously for a life filled with greater joy and abundance than ever imagined. As an International best-selling author and engaging speaker, Laura brings her unique wit and a down to earth, practical approach to implementing spirituality and soul-wise living into your life.

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