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Choreograph Your Sacred Life

Choreograph Your Sacred Life by Shann Vander Leek | #AspireMag

“Let yourself be drawn by the stronger pull of that which you truly love.” – Rumi

I love the practice of choreographing my life in a beauty way. Exploring how I want my sacred life to look and feel has been top of my mind since leaving my corporate job a little over 7 years ago.  So much has changed since breaking free of my golden handcuffs.  Over this significant transformational process I’ve learned to shed my masks, face my shadow and reclaim my feminine sovereignty. I’ve totally transformed my precious life by design. I’m grateful to have evolved from a stressed out TV advertising sales director to the Soulful Transformation Goddess I am today.

Here’s what I’ve uncovered so far. I walk in beauty and define my sacred life when:

  • I show loving kindness and compassionate self-care to myself and others
  • I allow for lots and lots of creative expression
  • I honor and connect with my spirituality
  • I  contribute, collaborate and connect in community
  • I  consciously choose to explore and experience infinite gratitude

Once you uncover how you want to show up in the world, the next step is to gain clarity about what each of these areas represent to you. You have the choice to define your role and engage in activities that will support you to flourish.

Here’s what I’ve learned… My heart’s purpose is to witness, listen and engage with women who want to walk in beauty, with full awareness of their power, divinity, and joyful essence. I revel in my true calling because I’m clear about how I wish to show up on the world.

I hope this offering will spark you to compare, contrast and explore how you wish to design  the rest of your days.

Loving Kindness & Compassionate Self-care

“When we give cheerfully and accept gratefully, everyone is blessed.” – Maya Angelou

I practice loving kindness every day with my family, friends and community. My practice includes nonviolent communication, generosity, mindfulness and staying in the present moment. I’m not a very patient woman, so learning to be gentle with myself and others is a big part of my practice. I tend to want what I want, and want it now! Thankfully, I’ve learned to laugh at this part of my personality.

If you want to experience loving kindness and compassionate self-care, pace yourself and breathe deeply. Learn to recognize old patterns and quiet your shaming inner critics. Move through your life with the intention of leaving every person feeling loved and energized after sharing time with you. Compassionate self-care is generous and loving way to honor your mind, body and soul.

Creative Expression

“Serious art is born from serious play.” – Julia Cameron

I love landscape photography, music, writing, painting, cooking, and making my personal space inviting and beautiful. My environment, personal style and creative endeavors contribute to living sacred life.  I find so much joy and peace living in a small village surrounded by water, woods and wild life.

You can infuse your life with more creativity by exploring what you want to create and how you wish to express yourself. Discover what brings you the most joy. Learn to flaunt the sweet spots of your creativity. Make your home or apartment an oasis of your creative expression.


“My religion is very simple. My religion is kindness.” – Dalai Lama

My spiritual practice is a work in process. I begin and end each day giving thanks. I often light a candle and pray for the world, our country, my community, family and friends. I commune with nature often and make time for conversations with my angels and guides through prayer and journaling. I love lighting a candle, setting an intention and asking questions of my higher knowing. It’s amazing what messages flow on to the pages of my journal when I set a sacred container and listen.

Do you have a spiritual practice? You can invite more tranquility in your life by exploring which practices bring you comfort. You may wish to begin your spiritual practice by giving thanks, journaling or reading inspirational books.


“Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos to order, confusion to clarity. It can turn a meal into a feast, a house into a home, a stranger into a friend. Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today and creates a vision for tomorrow.” – Melody Beattie

The more thankful I am about my present reality, the more prosperity and abundance flow into my life. When I’m needy, constricted or feeling depleted, it seems as if everything comes to a halt.

On the days you experience self-doubt, fear and uncertainty, you can still give thanks. Choose to be grateful for your health, that you have clean water to drink and a warm bed to sleep in at night. Learn to give thanks for your current situation, just as it is.

Connection & Friendship

“Friendship is born at that moment when one person says to another: ‘What! You too? I thought I was the only one.” -C.S. Lewis

Saying yes to participating in my wise women’s circle over the past 2 years provided me with the gift of connection. For most of my life I chose to go it alone. I was the strong one and rarely ever asked for help from my friends. In the last two years I’ve softened and allowed myself to be witnessed when I’m sad, angry or feeling small.

If you can relate to going it alone, do yourself a favor and set aside the illusion of your separateness. Learn to receive. Nurture your friendships. Be generous. Allow for more heart-centered openness, vulnerability and transparency.

We are all in this together.

Now that I’ve shared how I am defining my sacred life, I invite you to explore what makes you feel vivacious, joyful and divinely present.

Sacred Questions:

What is your heart’s purpose?

What can you do right now to be more mindful and present?

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About the author 

Shann Vander Leek

Shann Vander Leek is a podcast coach, producer, and voice over talent. She’s CEO of Podcast Bath, and host of the Anxiety Slayer podcast with 12.5 million downloads. Shann is the voice you hear introducing Linda Joy’s radio shows, interviews, and commercials. Click here to claim Shann’s Free Gift: “How to Create a Podcast Recording Studio”. Learn more about her services at

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  • With every word from you, whether written or spoken, I am inspired. The categories you speak of resonate deeply with my own practice, though I could probably do a bit more with self care and connecting with others. 🙂 Beautifully done, as always! Thank you! <3

  • So deeply inspired, Shann. It is a great reminder to reconnect with your values, with what’s important to you in your life. Reading this was like a mental massage. Thanks!

  • Debra Reble says:

    Beautifully expressed and a daily reminder that when we walk in beauty we awaken the essence within. Hugs

  • Minette Riordan says:

    Beautiful article, Shann. As soon as I saw the opening quote by Rumi I wanted to go and paint. Creativity is definitely an important aspect of my sacred and spiritual life. I love the analogy of choreographing our sacred life. I am listening to the audio version of Twyla Tharp’s The Creative Habit and love how she also weaves this analogy of choreography through her lessons on creativity.

    • Thanks Minette! This is the 3rd time I’ve been presented with Twyla’s work. Must be time to get my own copy of The Creative Habit!

  • SueKearney says:

    All around beautiful! I like that for me it’s bi-directional. When I walk in beauty, I awaken the essence within (thanks for the beautiful words, Debra!), and when I awaken the essence within everything gets more beautiful!

    Love, xoxox

  • Teresa Morrow says:

    Great post about living your life from a sacred, soul-driven place. And all the things you talked about here—gratitude, self-care, spirituality, connection & friendship are all a part of putting those pieces together to enjoy that type of life. Doing it from a place in your soul that guides your joy and surrounding yourself with all of these things that come from that space.

  • Jane Carroll says:

    I really enjoyed the post and the concept of choreographing a sacred life like a sacred dance. It really resonated with me.

  • Andrea Patten says:

    Thanks, Shann. I can really relate to the concept of consciously choreographing my beautiful life. Your generous sharing of your journey continues to be delicious encouragement.

  • Shann, your first paragraph took my breath away–it says so much about what a work of art your life has become, and it’s tantalizing to those of us who are a few steps behind you on the path. This is a beautiful, rich article.

  • Deb Coman says:

    Shann, I love so much about this, I’m not really sure where to begin. This was my first, “Yes!”: “I contribute, collaborate and connect in community.” How I love to feel a connection with others and what a gift when that connection is made in an unexpected way or with someone with whom I wouldn’t expect it. Wonderful gifts that keep life so interesting. I think working in a way that brings about connection for me and for others may be my life’s purpose. I love the idea of lighting a candle and asking questions to see what answers come. I believe that would help me to be more mindful and present. Thank you so much for a wonderful, inspiring article!

    • Deb, I’m happy you were inspired by this article. Thank you so much for your kindness and for sharing on twitter etc. XO

  • Mary Pritchard, PhD says:

    So blessed to have you in my life, Shann. Once again your words inspire me. Your your words on gratitude are just what I needed to hear today!

  • Peggy Nolan says:

    Hi Shann,

    Ever since I received the message from my heart while practicing yoga nidra, I am clear, crystal clear, about my heart’s purpose and her deepest longing. I translated the image of a gift box filled with confetti to “Everyday my life is a gift filled with fun surprises.”

    While this was my personal sacred message from my heart to my higher self, it is a message to everyone else. Life is a GIFT. And we can choose to see it as a gift or a curse. I choose GIFT 🙂

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