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Change Your Energy. Change Your Life.

Change Your Energy. Change Your Life by Michele Greer | #AspireMag

One of the key foundations to transform your life is understanding the importance of being in control of your energy.

Energy is a key foundation to living a life with peace and happiness. You can’t fully experience this until you change your energy and control what you allow into your life.


  • You listen to sad songs that make you feel depressed or lonely.
  • You continually say yes to things that you don’t want to do — which causes you to feel resentment towards the person or the situation you said yes to.
  • You watch the news or surf the internet before bed.

Do any of these resonate with you? Have you been implementing new rituals and routines, but you aren’t experiencing peace and joy? Accordingly, this is directly related to not being in control of your energy and surroundings.

To change your life, you have to change what you allow into your life. This includes relationships, social media, what you watch on tv, the music you listen to and how you treat yourself.

When you start listening to songs that put you in a beautiful state — you will instantly feel uplifted. In contrast, when you listen to songs that remind you of a negative experience from the past or make you feel sad, lonely or low on energy — you will start to feel this way.

It’s truly incredible how songs and music can take you to a beautiful place or a really sad place. With this in mind, start to notice how music makes you feel. As a result, changing what you listen to will create a huge shift for you. This is a change that you can implement immediately, and you will notice an immediate shift in your state.

In addition, another extremely important part of being in control of your energy is saying “No” to events and people that don’t increase your energy. When you start saying no to things that don’t light you up, it will increase your energy and self-confidence.

However, it isn’t easy at first and it can even be a little lonely when you first make this shift. In truth, you have to change almost everything in your life to truly change your story and transform your life.

As a direct result of being a recovering people pleaser — which I now know was my need to feel significant. I always thought saying no was rude. I had the false belief, based on learned behavior that I should say yes because it was the “Right Thing to Do.”

However, this isn’t true — it’s actually the complete opposite. When you do something out of obligation and guilt you are creating an energy that will drain you. You are actually not being authentic to yourself or the person you said yes to.

Have you ever said yes to something and then you were bitter because you didn’t want to say yes? Did you talk to other people about it and complain that you had to do something that you didn’t want to do?

With this in mind, next time you say no to something, observe how you feel. As a result, you will notice how your energy changes when you are confident with your decisions. When you are in control of your energy, you are in control of your life.

Furthermore, if you want to experience true joy it’s important to realize that “Maybe” isn’t an option anymore. Unless, of course you are saying maybe because you have to check your schedule.

For instance, the best way to implement this new way of being in control and raising your standards is: If you don’t feel excitement and immediately think yes when you are deciding if you should say yes or no —The answer is always No!

Therefore, you don’t need to give a reason to the other person. Always be kind and thankful, but just say no with gratitude for being invited. It actually sounds worse when you make up an excuse. Be confident knowing your time is valuable and people will respect you. When you start being authentic to yourself and raising your standards you will feel more confident and experience a sense of peace and joy.

Another big game-changer is to limit your time on social media and to stop watching the news or tv shows that make you feel bad or decrease your energy.

For example, the news is full of negative information that can completely change your state. When you watch the news or see something on social media right before you go to sleep at night, you will think about it in your subconscious mind. Consequently, this can cause you not to sleep well and to feel drained when you wake up in the morning.

If it doesn’t make you feel good, then don’t watch it. Start to observe yourself to see what practices keep you at a high frequency and enable you to live in a beautiful state.

Finally, always remember to implement self-care in your life. You are your most important asset and you deserve to pamper yourself. A few examples are: taking an Epsom salt bath with essential oils, getting a massage or facial, meditating, and being in nature. When you find your bliss and learn to relax, you will change your energy.

Above all, it’s extremely important to start filling your mind with positive energy, affirmations and situations that light you up inside. It will change how you feel and how you show up in the world.

Smile, Surrender, Shine.

xo, Michele

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About the author 

Michele Greer

Michele Greer is a transformational and lifestyle coach who helps women rewrite their story of pain, lack and struggle that is keeping them from living their best lives. Michele’s BEYOND BRAVE mission was birthed after her own life-altering experience. Using the same mindset strategies and self-love rituals she used to transform her own life, she empowers and supports women who are caught up in the “story” of their past, helps them rewrite their story and create a life of happiness, joy and fulfillment. Visit

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