The Universe communicates with us in myriad ways, offering guidance, wisdom, and insight for those willing to listen. Here are some examples of signs and symbols of messages from the Universe.

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There are many ways to tap into your soul’s guidance. You don’t need to have formal training to do it. You can start by opening up to the possibility that it exists, and your ESP (extra sensory perception) is there to help you. It doesn’t have to be a massive discovery; in fact, it may present in a way that makes you question whether it really was more than your imagination. But it is there and there are ways to identify it.

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by  Kate King   

As you learn to catapult yourself beyond the limited 21st century human perspective we so often get stuck in, I hope you will open yourself to access the fulfilling mindsets of wonder and awe. In the largeness of existential questions like why do we exist at all? or what happens when we die?, or the smallness of noticing the perfect golden mean spiral in a tiny succulent on your daily walking trail, you can choose what to perceive.

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I encourage everyone to take this exciting adventure. You can think of this exploration as a treasure hunt where the gold you find will be your authentic self, unique talents, and deeper connection to others. Start today by reconnecting with yourself by taking these three simple steps.

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Don’t let unrealistic expectations set you up for a similar scenario. I understand how much we may want love or success, how we may ignore the red flags that are evident from the start of a relationship or a passion project. So stay clear and strong. Train yourself to see people and situations accurately.

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