Color is a powerful and healing tool to understand the health of our bodies, relationships and emotions. Each color vibrates at a certain frequency and the color enhances certain characteristics and attributes. The colors we choose to wear and decorate our living spaces can bring great change and support.

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Thank your parts for serving you and allowing you to dance and sing and eat and see and smell and touch and climb. When your children see you acknowledging the wonderfulness of your body instead of complaining about what you don’t like about it, they will be far more likely to regard their own bodies — warts and all — with respect, care, and appreciation.

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by  Mia Moran   

So many women talk about losing weight, starting this diet tomorrow or that exercise routine next week, but what if small changes could promise more lasting results. Here are 10 doable changes to try today.

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by  Mia Moran   

Like many things, losing weight is easier when you break it down into doable steps and enjoy the process. Here’s some simple steps to breaking down your healthy resolutions.

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I had been struggling with obesity since childhood, but gaining forty-five new pregnancy pounds was a living nightmare. I knew I had to do something different. Not a fan of calorie counting, self-control, or overt food deprivation, I developed a structured, yet intuitive approach, changing my thoughts and behavior regarding food. I tuned into my body’s natural communication system and practiced a feast and famine model, losing 55 pounds without cutting out any food groups. These simple rules will help you put a lid on overeating, restore your inner guidance system, and put a smile on your face when you look in the mirror.

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