Feeling a little frazzled? Recent studies have proven the beneficial effects of connecting with Nature. Lower stress hormones and a stronger Immune System result when you take time to pull away from the hustle and bustle of daily life. Take time for a walk in the woods today and experience the benefits.

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What you put on your plate is more important than putting expensive creams on your skin. Create glowing, vibrant skin with skin-loving foods.

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Cancer cannot grow in a healthy body. It is therefore your mission to do as much as possible to create vibrant health by taking responsibility for your health. Avoid these 7 basic triggers that may increase your risk of Breast Cancer.

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Feeling overwhelmed is a symptom of our body’s freeze response. Our body is doing its best to protect us from a perceived danger. How do we recognize, embrace, learn and move though overwhelm with ease and grace?

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Many people believe that their weight defines the state of their health. In this empowering article I have defined 15 alternate ways to define oneself as “healthy.” You may be surprised that you are healthier than your scale implies.

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