What I’ve come to realize that while our societal views on what constitutes a happy and successful person, it’s rare that someone who actually fulfills all of those things are going to be genuinely happy. Our true happiness is not determined by our external circumstances, but rather our internal focus.

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When we create an awareness around boundaries, then we can heal and take inspired action. In this empowering article, you’ll learn three signs you need to set boundaries as part of your self-care plan and how not doing so may be affecting you. This awareness of where you may be giving your power away and investing your time and energy can be a powerful transformation.

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Your sacred self wants peace, not conflict. When you’re confronted with a problem, you must create a clear vision of an outcome that leaves you feeling good. Stacey shows you how to keep your focus on feeling good, no matter what.

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by  Bev Janisch   

Is your busyness robbing you of the relationship with the most important person in your life- yourself? Are you so busy with do-ing, accomplishing and running around that you are exhausted and feel you’ve become disconnected from your soul and authentic self? It’s time to slow down and become fully aware of each moment in your life. Bev Janisch shares 5 mindfulness tips to nourish your soul.

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It’s nearly impossible to love and accept yourself when you don’t think you’re good enough just as you are. You’ve got to dive deep, go in and heal that inner critic and your enoughness issues. Psychologist & Body Love Expert Dr. Mary Pritchard openly shares her own journey to self-love and the 7 sacred steps she uses with her clients and that also helped her heal her own body love issues.

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