by  Holly Tse   

Imagine walking along the beach when suddenly your toe starts speaking to you. While this might seem like a scene from a strange fairytale, your feet are always talking to you—sharing miraculous wisdom and guidance. Once you learn how to understand what they’re saying, you’ll receive incredible insights from your soles and your soul. With Chinese Reflexology, you’ll be able to hear the powerful messages of your feet, and I’d be delighted to be your sole translator—bad pun intended!

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To be healthy, is to be whole. Meditation is a practical way for the entire self; mind, body and spirit, to achieve health, skin care included. Meditation is good for you, but did you know how good it is for your skin? A little known side effect from the practice of meditation is an acceleration of the healing process in skin cells.

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If you don’t have a good relationship with your body, I encourage you to start a daily gratitude practice. Then write your own vow, your own love letter. Read them daily to yourself – preferably out loud, while looking at yourself naked in a mirror, but if that’s too much, just read them to yourself silently, fully clothed, in a place of your choosing. Consistency is more important than the specifics of how it’s done.

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I also usually wake up very stiff and in pain from chronic illness. I don’t usually talk about my Lupus and other health challenges very much but in the last two months the messages and emails keep pouring in and I feel a Spiritual nudge to come out of the medicine cabinet.

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It’s very nourishing to make nurturing rituals for yourself. Often when change comes we can feel it. You may not be sure what the change is or what to do about it. It’s usually during this time, you need to nurture yourself the most. This includes not over committing to other people. Allow yourself to cocoon and go internal when you need to. Create a list to nurture yourself. A Luscious List that will inspire with you with daily habits to nurture yourself without calling up masculine “do” energy and willpower.

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