You are never fully dressed without a smile is how the saying goes and morning ritual number five completely agrees. We often think of a smile as a natural response to feel good emotions but did you know that smiling – even if that smile is fake – can boost your mood and reduce stress? Research done by psychology and facial coding expert Paul Ekman and backed up by recent research* published in Psychological Science found that a big smile that involves facial muscle activity around the eyes can produce a change in brain activity and mood.

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Several recent studies from the University of Toronto and published in Harvard Review confirm that there is a correlation between rising early and reaching your dreams in life. There are exceptions, of course, but people who get up earlier are healthier, happier, slimmer, more positive and generally more successful in life and work than those who lie in. Energy, positivity and discipline are required to get up early day in day out and these are the qualities that great achievers share.

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Physical pain can affect the quality of every area of our life. It can also cause us to disconnect from our truth and our body. Stop the Pain Specialist Jacqueline Kane shares an intuitive exercise that invites you to have a ‘conversation with your pain’ so you can begin to trust the messages you receive so that you can live a more pain free life.

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Our inner resonance literally creates our individual and collective realty. With crystals, we can transform the way we feel, think and interact with whatever we might be unconsciously resonating with. This can change our resonance, and thus, our reality. Beatriz Singer, author of The Crystal Blueprint, shares four healing benefits of working with crystals that can lead women to resonance with a new reality that will support their authentic self.

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Traditionally, when we are in physical or emotional pain, we are taught to take a pill or see the doctor. That majority of us weren’t told that within us we have our own healing powers. Stop the Pain Specialist Jacqueline Kane shares 5 energetic tools to support you on your healing journey.

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