I’ve had flashes of inner wisdom during intense moments of my life. Inner guidance that came through like a lightning bolt during minutes of intense fear or risk. I always felt “lucky” at those times, like God was with me. Then about two years ago, my spiritual journey catapulted me to the next level. Learn how my life changed dramatically and how yours can as well!

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It is easy to react with upset when your kids are upset. But honestly, that will only escalate the energy in the wrong direction. Remind yourself that you are the grown-up in the situation. Staying calm and evaluating what is needed, takes disciplined thinking. Bottom line if you want to change the situation it requires changing the thoughts, emotions and behaviors that created it in the first place

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If you are telling yourself that you can be ‘Happy without Passion’ in your relationship, you are lying to yourself! You are WIRED for passion…hot, exciting, electric, ravishing, satisfying, unleashed passion! It’s your Life-Force! And without it, a part of you is dying! Learn how you can resuscitate your desire.

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by  Linda Bard   

Holding hands might be a way to measure the strength of a relationship. But what if I told you that your hands contain a particular line that is the KEY to identifying your unique relationship style?

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Often times it’s hard to find inner solace and elation when the Holiday to-do list is runs amuck. When the house is strewn with unwrapped gifts and you haven’t had time to hang the stockings over the chimney, the season can seem more like an endless burden than a joyous event. Amidst such pre-celebration chaos, these twelve simple rules will help you restore inner peace and experience a greater sense of happiness throughout the bustling season.

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