And a bad DAY? No, I don’t have bad days. I can honestly say that with 100% accuracy. I do not. I have bad MOMENTS, definitely! But I don’t stay stuck there for a whole freakin’ day! I have trained myself to have a negative moment, bring my state back up to a higher level, find the gift in the situation and learn from it, adjust and take more massive action In-Joy!
It’s a SKILL! And it can be learned!

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The only way to ever have a successfulrelationship is to be your most authentic self! But if you want a magnificent loveaffair, an unshakable love and unleashed passion that lasts a lifetime do notfall into the “I got to be ME” crap! Another fundamental truth to creating anunshakable foundation in your relationship is, you must stop making it aboutyou! Sounds contradictory to being your authentic self doesn’t it? Here are twoimportant questions that will give you some insight into how to reconcile thesetwo fundamental relationship truths and help you discover if you are caught upin The Authenticity TrapTM

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So you married your best friend, now what? The vows have been said, cake has been cut, and now your rings are starting to establish a permanent tan line. When you are married to your soul mate you want to keep things fresh and build intimacy for the long and short term. A healthy soul mate marriage keeps growing and evolving, sometimes through strife and often times through fun and bonding. Here are three ways to keep the love, connection, and passion throughout your marriage.

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How many dates have you been on that have amounted to nothing? If you are dating today, probably lots! Does it seem like a waste of time and energy? For sure. And yet, you have to date to meet someone worth meeting, right? Even though you are enjoying the freedom and fun of single life and are not necessarily in a rush to find a long term partner, you still want to date quality people and have a satisfying love life.

Enter Spiritual Dating – the solution for busy women! Spiritual Dating is for you if you are looking for a new paradigm in dating and you want to create more self love in your life. Cause that is the key to it: self love.

In this case, spiritual doesn’t mean religious. It means conscious, mindful.

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Fun, playfulness, romance and flirting….it’s one of the first things to fly out the window when we have the house, the kids, the work and all the other stuff we have to manage!

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