by  Linda Joy   

 Do you listen to the whispers of your soul? Do you allow yourself the time to be still and go within? With the hectic pace of today’s world, it’s easy to get caught up in the busyness of life and allow the sounds of the world to drown out the soul whispers we are longing for us to hear. Of course,

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by  Linda Joy   

On a spring day in 1991, I was at the depth of despair and ready to give up on my life. That day I awakened to a sacred truth that would save my life, change my path forever and fuel the passion for the mission-driven work I do today.

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by  Linda Joy   

How you begin and end each day sets the energetic vibration and trajectory for your life. Back in 1991, I began a simple 3 step daily practice that continues to support and empower me in living a life of joy and passion. These simple, yet powerful, practices that you can do in your pajamas have the power to transform your life.

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