by  Karen Shier   

Are you experiencing midlife doing the same routine day after day, rarely remembering what you did the day before, and feeling as though you have nothing to look forward to? If this sounds familiar, you are probably living your life on autopilot.

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by  Karen Shier   

Quite often we are caught up in self-sabotaging patterns that reduce our personal power. Midlife Transformation Coach Karen Shier shares some of the ways we give our personal power away and eight ways to reclaim your personal power.

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by  Karen Shier   

Our inner critic creates the disempowering and untrue whisperings of self-talk that we hear in our minds. It comes from conditioned responses based on our life experiences, self-judgments, fears, and evolution’s fight or flight responses hard coded in our reptilian brain. Its altruistic design is to whisper ideas or messages that it thinks will keep us safe and comfortably stuck where we are. But, if we can instead sit down and have a conversation with our inner wisdom, aka, our heart, and intuition, we can uncover our personal false beliefs, stories, and patterns.

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