So many of us fall into the habit of living life through the different masks we wear and the roles we play. We often have preconceived notions as to how our roles are supposed to look. Some of us grew up with “June Cleaver” of the TV show “Leave it to Beaver” as the model mother and wife: dressed in pearls and an apron over a lovely dress, with an always-immaculate house. Others grew up with the ideal of being “Super Woman” with a career, a spouse, kids, a house…and all of it running perfectly.

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Uncovering the truth about creating your authentic dreams, desires, and purpose isn’t easy. Cultural training runs deep in the psyche. The programing to fit in, follow the crowd, and not make waves begins early with sit still, be quiet, don’t talk back, and stop dancing around. Slowly the impulse to express yourself gets drowned out and overtaken by “be nice, play safe, and follow the rules.”

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Welcome back to Doing Business Like A Goddess, where I share key concepts that every feminine conscious entrepreneur must know in order to succeed in today’s new business landscape, plus how to create extraordinary income and impact while honoring that you are exactly who the world’s been waiting for.

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You’ve heard that it takes 21 days of repeating an action or a thought before it becomes a habit, right? Well, how many habits do you have? Which ones help you attract profit? Which ones just suck up your time? Which ones literally work against you? Master Business Coach Jeanna Gabellini walks you through a self-check process so you can identify what habits are preventing you from creating abundance in your business.

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Master Business Coach Jeanna Gabellini shares 6 powerful steps to get exactly what you want when it comes to generating more money through your business.

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