Resistance. It’s what keeps us stuck and away from our dreams. Despite the confusion, sheer uncertainty, and ‘WTF just happened’ that I, and so many others, feel after treatment of advanced, widespread cancer as a young adult, I decided to start a business anyway. And what came of the experience? Five incredible learning moments that you can use to turn your sob story into a success story.

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I interviewed many successful business people for my book, “Trust Your Gut: How the Power of Intuition Can Grow Your Business.” Over and over I heard a familiar theme. They ALL actively tapped into their intuition and used it to create prosperity, generate new ideas and close sales. There are the five tips they consistently shared.

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When it comes to profits, mindset always trumps strategy. When you practice cultivating an abundant mindset your profits will grow while your heart glows from the connection you feel to your team, clients and tribe.

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by  Lisa Tener   

On a trip back from the San Francisco Writer’s Conference, I found myself inspired by a documentary and wrote a song. I found the experience surprising and soul-nourishing in a way my other writing hadn’t been lately when I’d tried to write about the topic of my presentation—“The 6 Figure Writer”—even though I was truly excited about that topic, as well.

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So many of us fall into the habit of living life through the different masks we wear and the roles we play. We often have preconceived notions as to how our roles are supposed to look. Some of us grew up with “June Cleaver” of the TV show “Leave it to Beaver” as the model mother and wife: dressed in pearls and an apron over a lovely dress, with an always-immaculate house. Others grew up with the ideal of being “Super Woman” with a career, a spouse, kids, a house…and all of it running perfectly.

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