You know you don’t belong in your job any longer. Sure, it puts food on the table and keeps a roof over your head, and with the economy the way it is, you should probably feel grateful for having a job at all, but you wonder…Could you make it on your own? Could you take the leap and be your own boss? Believe in yourself, because regardless of what anyone says, you can create and live the life of your dreams.

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by  Laura Clark   

Our desks are the center of our universe~the organizational center that is. Allowing energy to flow in and around this space gives you greater clarity that will propel your projects forward and create amazing results and from this, you will receive great joy.

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In a world of high tech fast living, it is so hard to find quiet and stay focused. Here are a few tips on how to do just that.

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Setting goals is often fun, but can at times be intimidating. Where do you even begin? I have found that focusing on key areas in my life is the easiest way to start.

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The most fundamental principle of coaching is that every “answer” our clients need to achieve anything they desire already exists within them. To access it, they need only to reconnect with their own inner source of intelligence that guides them in the direction of their highest good. Our job as a life coach is merely to be the conduit through which this connection can occur, and the more we’re able to get out of the way, the better able we are to “channel” exactly what each client needs to find that internal alignment. Coaching is a perfect example of the Law of Least Effort: the results we achieve are far greater than we any could generate through our own will.

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