by  Lisa Wells   

All small business owners will experience a crisis at some point, but what about a long-term crisis such as an illness that may affect you, a spouse, a parent, or a child that lasts a few months or longer? Are you and your business prepared?

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What is a “Holistic Business”? When you are a Therapist, Healer, Coach or Health Practitioner and you work from a Mind, Body, and Spirit approach with your Clients that’s a Holistic Business. In a Holistic Business you are working from your Spirit sharing your unique spiritual gifts that is in alignment with your Mission.

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The more you nurture the energy in your home and office the more it will nurture you and your clients! To continue to grow your Holistic Practice you need to be mindful of the energy around you. Keeping the energy around you light and clear will help you expand your Holistic Business joyfully and easily quickly. Here are 5 simple steps to clear the energy of your home and office

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Are you aware of what your “Spiritual Gifts” are? Knowing your Spiritual Gifts is one of the key shifts that is happening on the Planet. YOU are an integral part of this because you are a Therapist, Healer, Coach or you would like to be. This was inspiration for this article “What are your Spiritual Gifts?” which includes a quiz to find out what yours are. The article is to support you to see more clearly your Spiritual gifts AND to value them at a deep level.

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by  Susun Weed   

My heart, my gut, and my womb have guided me . . . when I was willing to listen. My teachers have told me the truth, especially when I did not want to see it. I have been blessed with simple needs, so my world is filled with abundance.

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