by  Cena Block   

Most mompreneurs are too busy. There, I said it. Most of us are great at supporting our businesses, our clients and our families, but we just don’t seem to be that focused on those niggly maintenance tasks! However, it’s been proven over and over again that a clutter free environment makes space for calm, and generates much more productivity for most people. If you’re life feels disorganized and overwhelmed, no matter what your excuse is, it usually can be loosely translated to some variant of: “I’m doing nothing to keep it organized right now”. Here are 10 decluttering strategies to boost your productivity

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by  Cena Block   

Mompreneurs, are you working too much? When you run your own business, and you make squeezing every last moment out of your waking hours your ‘normal’, it won’t be long before you’re feeling exhausted, wiped out, disconnected and resentful. Today more than ever before, Mompreneurs need to be the cause of balance in their lives. Here are five workaholic cures to support you in doing so.

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by  Cena Block   

With everything that demands a mompreneur’s time, I’m living proof that self-care is a critical ingredient for sanity and success. When I consistently focus on business tasks and then add mom tasks to the list, I run out of time for rejuvenation. It doesn’t take long before I’m wiped out, tired, feeling terrible and resentful. I’ve learned that it’s so important to flip this triangle upside down so I fill myself up – and then can continue to give, nurture and support my family and my clients. I share 3 of my simple yet powerful self-care strategies especially for mompreneurs.

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by  Cena Block   

Do you have your own business as well as support the needs of a busy, growing family? Then you are a Mompreneur and know the delicate juggling act that includes the MANY different aspects of managing your tasks, supporting your family, getting things done – and feeling like you have a life of your own! Here are 5 strategies to help you begin aligning your life and creating the systems you need to work more efficiently.

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by  Stacy Rowan   

Whether you are in a new job, thinking about a career change, or want to improve your current work situation here are four strategies to make the most out of a career change.

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