Think you must trade in your beautiful Femininity in order to experience your Fierce? Today’s professional woman is faced with interesting opportunities to discover how to bring even more femininity into the workplace. It isn’t about changing the workplace; it is about bringing your best-self into whatever space you enter. Let’s face it, most of our best energy is shared through our work. Why not bring the beautifully divine part of you into that space as well?

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Have you ever felt that you just want to throw in the towel and give up? Mainly when you’ve invested a lot of time, energy, and sometimes, even money, into something that you love, but you’re not seeing the results that you were expecting. When we feel desperate, and on the verge of giving up, is when we need to stay with it the most, because just before we approach the big breakthrough, is when we need to be courageous, believe in ourselves and hold on to our “why” like never before.

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Affirmations will end the self-defeating negative way we perceive the world. If we have convinced ourselves we aren’t good enough, perfect enough, old enough, smart enough, fast enough, rich enough, or lucky enough, then we need to wise up to those lies.

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How often do you take the time to really think, and connect with what you want to achieve in your life? You are a powerful being that is always co-creating with the Universe – you don’t get to not create. You create either by default or by design. The truth is that your Soul is always longing for expansion, growth and to become one with the energy of source.

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by  Aspire Team   

Aspiree is honored to introduce you to our Expert Holistic Shelley Riutta, MSE, LPC Aspire MagBusiness Columnist Shelley Riutta, MSE, LPC. Shelley is the founder and President of the Global Association of Holistic Psychotherapy and Coaching. She is a Holistic Psychotherapist and creator of a six figure Holistic Psychotherapy practice. Because of her success at creating a thriving Holistic Practice she launched the Global Association of Holistic Psychotherapy and Coaching (GAHP) which supports Holistic Therapists, Healers, Coaches and Health Practitioners to develop thriving six figure Holistic Practices and learn about Holistic MethodsTM to accelerate the results of their Clients.

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