You are a deeply Spiritual person, so why does your faith go out the window when you hit bumps in the road on the path of developing your Ideal Practice?

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I truly believe that each person was put on this earth for a unique purpose, and it is as unique as a fingerprint. Not following your Purpose, and not acknowledging your gifts and talents, not only dishonors who you are and who you came here to be, but also, it’s a disservice to those around you and to the world in general. Being clear on your life purpose will help you live your life to the fullest potential.

When you are not following your passion, you feel disconnected, like if you’re living your life on automatic, without meaning, fulfillment and excitement. The end result is that if you don’t do something about it, you will continue to feel stuck, and you’ll be holding yourself back from your dreams. This will make you feel like if your internal radar is off, and you’ll look for answers outside of you, because you have been disconnected from your center – your True Self.

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by  Puja Madan   

The entrepreneurial journey for women is a deeply personal one. We are faced with our deepest demons and our brightest light as we share our gifts with the world. That in itself is scary and then we have the practical aspect of business-building: juggling many balls in the air. This can create overwhelm, exhaustion and lack of true direction. This can push us to question our abilities, lose confidence or give up entirely. Here are six mantras to retain your passion and vitality as you build your conscious business.

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Launching a book successfully in the world requires the combined efforts of many people. As authors, we shift from solo writing to team work as we engage with the publishing process and prioritize relationship building with publishing personnel, promotional partners, and naturally with our potential readers.

Developing such relationships is a fundamental cornerstone of published authorship today so my final word is to embrace it fully and welcome the opportunities that inevitably follow this path of conscious and creative contribution and connection.

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We as Therapists, Healers, Coaches and Health Practitioners brings SO much value to the world and the tide is turning in moving from poverty consciousness to a prosperity consciousness. HURRAY!! What this means for you is that with collective consciousness shifting in such a huge way it makes it SO much easier for you to make this shift in your own life and Holistic Business!

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