Gratitude may be the missing element in your journey to entrepreneurial success. I say that because I know how hard it can be to build a profitable business. I have been there, feeling stuck in that space of “if I just work harder or if I just get one or two more clients, everything will be okay.” I have felt frustrated, dissatisfied and wondered if all the effort was worth it. What has saved me every time is gratitude.

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My commitment to growing my business is greater than my fear. Is yours? The way to get over this fear is the same way that I got up and down a mountain yesterday, one step at a time.

Growing a profitable business takes time and it takes a plan.

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In order for us to become entrepreneurs, the first shift that needs to happen is a desire for more freedom than security. A transition from working for a paycheck to working as a purpose-driven entrepreneur is more than just changing jobs, it entails a true transformation – a new way of being, because there is a lot you have to unlearn and you need to rewire your brain. Here are the 7 most common mistakes people make when transitioning from employee to purpose-driven entrepreneur.o you tell yourself that you want to start your own heart-centered business to have freedom and be able to work from anywhere, follow your own schedule and rules, live in your PJ’s and run errands when the rest of the world is working. I get it! Who doesn’t want that kind of freedom?

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Affirmations are a powerful tool to create what you want in your life, when they are used in the right ways. I have been using affirmations on and off in my life since they first became popular in the 1980s. Teachers like Louise Hay have built million dollar businesses teaching others how to use affirmations to heal their lives. They do work, no matter how skeptical you are or if you have used them unsuccessfully in the past. In this post, I will share 4 ways to use affirmations to create more money in your business.

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No matter what business you’re in, we all struggle with the elusive clock! So much to do, and never enough time! So how does one make the most of the 8-12 hours many people put into their businesses every day while still being extremely purposeful and focused on reaching those annual goals? Kellyann Schaefer, of Task Complete shares the simple, yet very effective, time management hack that she personally uses called 15/45.

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