In part two of this series, Dr. Minette Riordan shares 9 techniques for sparking your creativity. Get ready to have fund and be creatively inspired!

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Is your self-confidence affecting your holistic business success? It could be. Your level of confidence will affect every aspect of your Holistic Business and has the biggest impact on attracting your ideal clients into your Holistic Practice. You can’t attract what you don’t feel worthy of. Psychotherapist, and Founder of The Global Association of Psychotherapy and Coaching, Shelley Riutta shares the positive benefits that happen when you move into more confidence in your Holistic Business and 7 steps to support you in doing so.

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A new paradigm for success is here. There is a saying that states “a rising tide lifts all boats.” When you take the feminine path to success, the level of your success both elevates your life and enhances the lives of others. With the opportunity to rediscover what does bring us joy, then setting our goals and building our life around THAT. This is the feminine path to success.

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Becoming an entrepreneur requires a whole new mindset. We need to unlearn so many things that we’ve been taught. And unlearning can take work, because it requires that we get awareness of the habits, beliefs and behaviors that have been driving our lives, on auto-pilot, for years. Unlearning requires that we confront an uncomfortable reality, so we can allow ourselves to grow and move closer to our goals as heart-centered entrepreneurs. Here are some of the things that you’ll need to unlearn if you want to become an entrepreneur and live your purpose.

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You hear marketing gurus say all the time “Marketing with authenticity!” But what does this mean exactly? Entrepreneurial cheerleader, Jill Celeste examines what is means to be authentic in your marketing. She shares the three guidelines that make up Authentic Marketing, which you can begin to apply to your business today. This is the “Authentic Marketing” definition you’ve been looking for – complete with a “permission slip” to start your Authentic Marketing Journey – one step at a time.

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