Drumroll please!!! My expert column in Aspire will now be called “Living the Goddess Laptop LifestyleTM and will be dedicated to teaching ambitious, soulful women how to create an abundant, purpose-filled life, and prosperous laptop business they love!

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It’s been said that entrepreneurship is not for the faint of heart. It’s a roller coaster of emotions and results. Finding hope when it seems like there’s none to be found can be tricky, but it is possible and it can make the difference between giving up on your business dreams and finding that success is just around the next corner. When you’re feeling down about your business, try these strategies to help bring back hope.

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Now more than ever your gifts as a Holistic Practitioner are being summoned and called forth to share with the world. There is great transformation happening on the planet and you are one of the leaders of this transformation.

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Doubt makes you feel it isn’t worth the risk to do something big, like start a new business and put yourself on the map. Monica Dubay shares ten tips to support you in quieting that doubting voice.

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Often when we are feeling stuck in our business, what we are missing is connection to our own inner creative genius. Success comes from creative thinking as much as it does from taking action. Combine creativity with inspired action and it’s a formula for rapid growth. In the first of this two part series, Dr. Minette Riordan shares 5 ways tapping into your creativity enriches your business.

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