What happens if you’re not feeling clarity around your business? Do you feel you can’t make up your mind about what path you should choose, and your decision-making seems muddled? This can lead to feeling overwhelmed and stuck; feeling like you are not fulfilling your destiny or feeling dissatisfied with your business. In this post. Dr. Minette Riordan shares her own journey to clarity in her business and her best six practices for getting clear now

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There are those that would say that work life balance is dead or, there is no such thing. Some even go so far as, “You can’t have your cake and eat it too”. Are they right?

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Do you have hidden money beliefs that are holding you back in growing your Holistic Business to the highest level? Hidden money beliefs, the ones that you aren’t aware that you have, are the ones that will keep you stuck the most in your business. You deserve to release the hidden money blocks that are holding you back from success and from sharing your scared gifts with your clients. Shelley Riutta, MSE, LPC shares the most common hidden money beliefs that she has witnessed from coaching hundreds of Holistic Practice Owners and some tips on how to shift them.

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Did you know that the way you see the world is creative and it’s your biggest business asset. Why? Because your creativity is what attracts people to you, it’s what sets you apart. And the more willing you are to share your magical, miraculous creative self with the world, the more your business will grow. Dr. Minette Riordan shares a quick creative activity that you can do right now to connect with your inner child.

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Living a life or working in a job that doesn’t feed your soul, bring you joy or allow you to show up as your authentic self can a drain to your joy, life energy and your ability to attract prosperity. Expert Columist Lisa Marie Rosati shares how honoring herself and the vision in her heart led to the creation of her successful global lifestyle brand and some of the perks of living a laptop lifestyle.

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