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But What If You Did: Stepping into Your Power Through Your Intuition

But What If You Did: Stepping into Your Power Through Your Intuition by Melanie Barnum | #AspireMag

Most of us work. We do something. We contribute to society in some way. But do you do it in a way that makes your soul happy?  

When we work just to make money we create an environment that can easily become stressful and overwhelming. There becomes a part of us that disconnects and separates us from our spirit, sometimes so much that it’s difficult to rediscover who we could be. At times we bury our soul’s desires, and let’s face it-when it happens, we barely feel our peace slipping away. 

There is a change that’s coming—it’s a feeling, a knowing even that’s beginning to creep back into the corners of your mind that’s whispering to you. Right now, it’s possibly too soft or too gentle to hear it, but it’s on its way. It’s your soul speaking to you, letting you know it’s time for you to feed your spirit. It’s happened before, but you’ve let it go. You’ve had bills to pay, a family to raise. It was easier to push it back down, that niggling thought there was more for you. You’ve let it go. Until it came back up and distracted you. It began to slide into your mind, letting you know it’s time. And it reminded you that you are worthy of so much. 

When was the last time you felt you wanted something more? Or you knew you were ready for a positive shift? These feelings, these knowings, are the universe telling you it’s ok to make some changes. It’s time to begin to discover who you are, on a soul level, not as a spouse or a parent, or a child or an employee, but who you are as a person. You were born with an inkling that it was possible to let your spirit soar, maybe just a bit at first, one step at a time. (Though so often we forget.) It need not create a disconnect with who you are now, rather it builds upon your current life and makes you feel more whole. More solid even.  

This thing, this feeling, this is your intuition trying to guide you or even redirect you to your greatness, to what will fulfill you and round you out in a way you’ve never been before. It’s time to pay attention to it. And you will find, as you start allowing yourself to become more aware, that everything begins to fall into place. You might even recognize your brighter, more powerful intuitive nudges. Those metaphysical prods that are helping you understand and perceive things differently than before. If you’re lucky enough to have already discovered your intuition, it will get stronger. And though it will become more prevalent in your life, this new awareness may start off slowly. Be patient. It’s working tirelessly to help you realize just how brilliant you are. 

There are many ways to tap into your soul’s guidance. You don’t need to have formal training to do it. You can start by opening up to the possibility that it exists, and your ESP (extra sensory perception) is there to help you. It doesn’t have to be a massive discovery; in fact, it may present in a way that makes you question whether it really was more than your imagination. But it is there and there are ways to identify it. 

For example, let’s pretend you are thinking about a career change, but are not sure you are capable or ready to make it happen. You may even know what it is you’d like to do. Let’s simply start by asking the universe for a sign. “If I am to change direction, give me a sign to help direct me.” Then wait. Be open to seeing or experiencing some sort of guidance. What this means, simply, is if you begin to get emails from headhunters about new and different career opportunities it may be the universe answering your questions. If you see a billboard you’ve never noticed before on your way to work that states, “Are you looking for a new career?” that is also a sign. This is the beginning of your wake-up call to move towards your greatness, that thing you are meant to do or be that will make you feel alive, or make you feel like work is no longer work, but an opportunity to enjoy life even more.  

Maybe, after you’ve done that simple thing, it’s time to move forward and tap in a bit more. So, think of something you want an answer to. It can be big or small but decide what it is clearly. Then, either in your mind, speaking it aloud, or by writing it down, ask your question. Be specific. After all, you are asking the universe a question and the more succinct you can be, the better the answer. Now listen for the first thing you hear internally, or see in your mind’s eye, or feel. This is your answer. You can do this as often as you like. Now that you’re waking up to the endless help from the universe, it will respond in kind. Your intuition is coming alive, and it won’t be stifled again. This is just the beginning.  

Don’t let fear hold you back from discovering how powerful you are.  

It’s easy to discard it, to once again set it to the side, maybe with the caveat that there will be another time in the future that maybe, possibly, you can begin to tap into your spirits calling. But for now, you can’t, you don’t have the time or the energy to let yourself discount the universal pull that wants you to be more than. It’s simple to keep plugging along and ignoring your soul’s purpose. But maybe this time, beyond your wildest imagination, what if you didn’t? What if you stepped into your power and trusted your intuition to have your back?  


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About the author 

Melanie Barnum

Melanie Barnum (Connecticut) is the author of Real Life Intuition: Extraordinary Stories from People Who Listen to Their Inner Voice. She is a psychic, medium, speaker, life coach, and hypnotist who has practiced professionally for over twenty years. She is an award-winning author whose books have been translated into several languages and featured in numerous print, broadcast, and online media bookings. Melanie's friendly and down-to-earth manner and gifted psychic insight make her readings unique and powerful, providing invaluable advice and guidance related to relationships, family, career, and educational opportunities. She has facilitated her clients' communication with their spiritual guides and deceased loved ones. In addition, she offers mentorship, guidance, and support for those interested in developing their intuitive abilities. Learn more at

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