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Business Success Tip: Let Your Light Shine!

Business Success Tip: Let Your Light Shine! by Dr. Minette Riordan | #AspireMag

Are you passionate about what you do but struggling to articulate it or wondering how to share your passion with others? As part of an online art journaling group I belong to, we were asked to think about what makes us “shine.” So often, as little girls and young women, we are told it’s not okay to shine or to stand out. When it comes to creating a personal or professional image for our business, it’s important to let your light shine. We know this, but it’s not always as easy as it seems. Today’s business tip will share some ideas for how to get started. This business tip is about winning the inner game and acknowledging and celebrating all of who you are!

We can spend years and sometimes decades overcoming the belief that if we stand out, if we shine our brilliant light then something bad will happen: we will be judged, disliked or perceived as not enough. Sound familiar?

When I first started my publishing company in Plano, TX 15 years ago, I tried to fit in and become what I thought was a “professional business woman.” I quickly learned that this was not the quickest way to success. I didn’t feel natural or authentic. I felt stifled and boxed in. I had to learn the hard way that not only was it okay to let my light shine, but that light had to be authentic. For me that meant wearing colorful clothes and crazy earrings – not business suits and high heels. It meant letting others know that I am creative, love poetry and have a Ph.D. in Latin American Literature. When I started my business, I didn’t even use my Ph.D. on my business cards until someone pointed out that I needed to claim that part of my life. Even though my work at the time had little to do with Latin American poetry, it was still a major accomplishment to get a Ph.D. from Stanford University. Part of me still struggled with growing up being the “smart one” and never the pretty, sexy or athletic one.

To be successful business owners, we have to let our light shine brightly! Only by celebrating and standing in the value of our authentic and multi-hued light will we attract the people we are most called to serve. Once I claimed all the different parts of who I was and saw my own value, my business began to grow rapidly. I turned a small quarterly newspaper into a monthly magazine with a circulation of 50,000 copies. I made an impact because I was willing to let my “smart” light shine along with my mommy light, wife light, artist light, business owner light, poetry loving light… you get the picture!

Let Your Light Shine Artsignment™

Business Success Tip: Let Your Light Shine! By Minette RiordanI want to share a fun Artsignment™ with you that will help you to let your inner light shine. Grab some blank paper and colored pencils or crayons. Or you could print out a light bulb coloring page here.

Consider this creative activity as a way of easing into your business brand or looking at it from a different perspective. I looked at this Artsignment™ from the perspective of my core values and what I want to create more of in my life this year. You might not see these words in my copy on my website, but my goal is to communicate the feeling that I want to capture.

Now you try! And I’d love for you to share your experience in the comments below.

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About the author 

Dr. Minette Riordan

Dr. Minette Riordan has been called a modern Renaissance woman. She is a lover of art, poetry and mythology and a complete geek who digs discussing business strategy. One of her core values is continuous improvement; she is a seeker, wanderer and adventurer who loves dragons and coffee. Most days you can find her supporting her creative clients to build profitable businesses. And on other days you can find her in her art studio covered in paint. To follow her creative journey visit

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