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Doing Business Like a Goddess: Manifesting and Receiving with Grace

Doing Business Like a Goddess:  Manifesting and Receiving with Grace by Elizabeth Purvis | #AspireMag

Greetings, Goddess!

Welcome back to Doing Business Like A Goddess, where I share key concepts that every feminine conscious entrepreneur must know in order to succeed in today’s new business landscape, plus how to create extraordinary income and impact while honoring that you are exactly who the world’s been waiting for.

In the last four issues, I shared the first four key concepts for doing business like a Goddess…

  1. Giving Yourself Permission
  2.  Success Leads To More Success
  3. You Must Let Go To Grow
  4. Gratitude First

You can read these here.

The 5th key concept for doing business like a Goddess is Manifesting & Receiving With Grace.

One of the biggest reasons why people don’t create the life they want is…they tell themselves they don’t have the money.

Here’s the great news: if it’s money you desire – for mentoring, support, training, travel to a seminar, a retreat, or a yummy experience you wish to have – then it’s already here. The process for manifesting this money is truly simple:

  1. Decide how much you want.
  2. Ditch your doubts, judgments and excuses for a few minutes
  3. Brainstorm every idea you can think of to create the money, no matter how uncomfortable/crazy/off-the-wall it seems
  4. Take action on what you come up with.

That’s it. Ridiculously simple, but it works like magic.

As important as manifesting money is, your level of ability to receive it will highly impact your results as well.

You see, women often have a deep desire to give and are sometimes conditioned to sacrifice their needs in order to help others reach their goals. While it may feel like you need to give, give and then give more in order to be successful, over-giving will deplete your capacity for success.  Even when the giving is kept in check, this is still only ONE part of the success equation.

The other half is receiving.

Let’s be real – receiving can feel a lot less comfortable and often brings up unworthy feelings, fears and disconnection. When left unchecked, these beliefs becomes a breeding ground for sneaky and self-sabotaging behaviors, such as…

  • Not reaching out to your clients when you have a new offer
  • Not following up with past clients
  • Taking too long to follow up with potential clients who contact you
  • “Misplacing” money or checks (think affiliate checks that end up in a
    stack of papers, never cashed)
  • Not hiring a mentor
  • Not asking for help
  • Taking too long to hire team
  • Doing $15-20/hour tasks yourself

To stay out of the pattern of over-giving and depletion and instead allow success to show up in your life, you must first awaken and accept your divine feminine gift of receiving.  The great   news is, your business provides endless opportunities to flex your receiving muscle, allowing more of the good stuff (clients, income and opportunities) to flow to you with less effort.

Here are 4 of my favorite power tips to open the channels and receive with grace, in your business and life:

1) Shine a light on what stops you.

The first step to embracing the art of receiving is awareness and the willingness to see truth. Where are you blocking the flow, with beliefs like…

“I don’t deserve it”

“I’m not good enough”

“That’s for someone else, not me”

“It’s not spiritual to have wants, needs, desires…”

“It can’t be this easy”

Remember where there is a block or negative belief, there is also an opportunity to reveal and heal the inner struggles that hold you back. Become an insatiably curious explorer and track down the source within.

2) Practice with the small stuff!

No matter what your circumstances, the Divine is constantly presenting you with rich opportunities to receive.  The more you accept, the more you’ll be offered.  You can create the experience (proof!) of the Universe giving you more when you start with the small stuff.

In Feminine Magic®, we practice the art of accepting all compliments.  It’s one of the most simplest actions, yet for many women it can be one of the most difficult things to do.  So practice!  When the gal at the bank compliments your hairstyle, say thank you.  When the dude at the grocery store offers to carry your bags or holds the door open for you – let him.

Remember that no matter how small these simple gifts may seem, energy expands at will and it is confirmation that you are allowing this energy to flow and penetrate your world.

3) Make sure your business model is in alignment with your income goals.

Let’s say you have a goal to create $200,000 in income over the next 12 months.  Which of these two scenarios sounds easier?

  • Selling 100 info products at $1,000 each over the course of the year, then
    enrolling 10 of those (highly qualified) clients into a $10,000 program
  • Selling 1600 hours of your time at $125 per hour

When it comes to manifesting, you always have two choices: make it easy for the Divine to deliver exactly what you want, or make it harder.  Your business model is one of the first ways to allow money to come to you.  Create a structure (or vessel) that allows you to provide more value in exchange for more money, while spending less time doing it.

4) Don’t make it hard for your peeps to do business with you!

I’m always stunned when I hear women say that they want to make more money, but then they put off things like opening a professional merchant account, investing in a shopping cart, hiring an client care virtual assistant for a few hours per week, and other basics.  Or their online infrastructure (order forms, sales pages) is riddled with errors and broken links.

These “details” are the lifeline of your business and bank account.  When you make it hard for people to work with you, you block the flow of income coming to you.  Plus, they’re a huge turn-off for the high-end clients who WANT to pay you great money for your work.  Say YES to their gift of business and show the Universe that you mean it by getting your order processing and client care ducks in a row.

Remember, the more you manifest, the more you need to be able to receive, and then the more you can give.  And consequently, if you’re not receiving, then you’re not manifesting fully either. Make the empowered decision today to manifest and receive openly and allow these simple but profound shifts to shape your new world.

Until next time –

Love and magic,


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About the author 

Elizabeth Purvis

Elizabeth Purvis shows spirit-led, mission-driven women how to price, package and market their services so they create extraordinary income and impact.

Known for blending heart-centered sales, Internet marketing, spiritual principles and Universal Law, Elizabeth delivers simple ways for coaches, consultants, practitioners and healers to double or triple their revenues by creating multiple streams of income and enrolling ideal clients at higher fees.

Elizabeth is the founder of Goddess Business School™ , her signature business training for feminine conscious entrepreneurs and The Feminine Magic Academy. She is the creator of a number of bestselling systems including Platinum Program Secrets, a step-by-step training for offering lucrative high-end programs.

Using her systems, Elizabeth’s clients have achieved phenomenal results, including quadrupling their incomes in just a few short weeks, multiple 5-figure launches, launching and filling their own high-end programs, and more.
Learn a simple, step-by-step method to attracting 3+ high end clients in 30 days with Elizabeth’s complimentary training report here:

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