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Break the Rules & Master the Art of Disappointing Others

Break the Rules & Master the Art of Disappointing Others by Jomana Papillo | #AspireMag

Hello, beautiful. Please listen closely, okay? 

I know it doesn’t feel like it, but you have within you the power to shape all the circumstances of your life. 

{Notice I didn’t say ‘control’ the circumstances of your life.} 

You are inherently powerful—you are a woman and a warrior. When the winds change direction, you can adjust your sails. And you will. You are resilient. The implicate order, the natural law, the Way of life itself has bestowed upon you powers of unlimited potential. You just have to pause and listen. You only have to remember. 

Your power resides in both your physical and emotional soul journey. It rests in your how you honor the attributes of your physical body as a divine instrument of creation. It lies in your intuition, your capacity for compassion, your own unique and special province for seeing the world how it is, but not letting that prevent you from creating the world how you want it to be. It lies in the way you inspire others, and in the way you stand up for yourself when necessary. It allows you to capture your innate sense of self-worth, self-esteem, and the strength to protect yourself and your loved ones. 

Remember: we teach people how to treat us. If we do not honor our goddess selves, no one else will, either. 

And once you begin to feel this power flowing through you, you will be transformed. It will give you freedom. Freedom to choose how and whom to love. To confidently execute your own free will and make choices without apology. 

This is your mission. Are you ready to accept it? 

Today’s Affirmation: 

“Today I am reminded that I have survived every bad day up until now, and I will survive whatever comes my way in the future. I trust that I have what it takes to withstand the challenges of life, and I will grow stronger with each one defeated. The opinions of others are none of my business.” 

How to Live It: 

Break the rules. 

As a little girl, you might have been among many of us who were taught to be self-effacing, polite, demure, modest, and careful not to rock the boat. You might have been discouraged from being outspoken, standing up for yourself, or ‘showing off’ your talents. All too often, we heard these messages as children and interpreted them in a way that encouraged us to conform, to follow the rules. 

Don’t get me wrong – I’m not saying it’s okay to throw caution to the wind and behave irresponsibly. But I am saying that you deserve to be heard, respected, and living the fullest expression of yourself. If that means upsetting a few people along the way, so be it. It’s time to learn to master the art of disappointing others. 

Does that make your heart race a little bit? Are your palms getting sweaty? 

It’s a terrifying thought, isn’t it – disappointing others? 

But something more terrifying is this: giving up your freedom. Because that’s what you do, every time you hold your tongue. Every time you settle for less than what you deserve. Every time you long realize your full potential, but stand frozen because you don’t know where to start. You hide yourself behind fear. You downplay your strengths. You let others form your opinion of yourself.        

Well, darling. Take my hand and repeat after me. It all stops now. 

This is your initiation. From now on you are free to experience life without censorship. Free to love yourself more than the fear of disappointing others. Free to speak your truth. 

Reality Check #1: You are going to hurt feelings. You know why? Because everyone has different value systems. And if you want your life to reflect your values, it is inevitable that some people won’t like you. And guess what – when people don’t like you, nothing actually happens. Seriously. Nothing. So let it go. 

Reality Check #2: Just because someone shares your bloodline or has been part of your life forever doesn’t mean they’re good for you. It’s okay to love them ———> from over there. 

Reality Check #3: You will feel guilty. Yep, it’s true. Because guilt stems from a belief system you created. Your whole life you have told yourself a story about why it’s a terrible thing to disappoint people. But remember – we are examining those belief systems with honest eyes. Is your belief system serving you? Is it healthy? Take a long, hard look at the things that you feel guilty about. If guilt is preventing you from developing your own gifts and talents, then it’s time to write yourself a different story. 

Remember, you are enough. Don’t give away your power. 

Forget the rules. Make your own. 

Shine on. 

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About the author 

Jomana Papillo

Jo Papillo is a hard-working mama of two amazing kiddos. She understands the importance of sisterhood and tries to make it a point to seek the magic in the mundane. She is completing her dissertation in a PhD psychology program and is a vegetarian, animal-loving, soul-seeking, yoga-practicing, empathic girl-power promoter.

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