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Become Your Own Soulmate to Magnetize Your Ideal Soulmate

Become Your Own Soulmate to Magnetize Your Ideal Soulmate by Karen McPhail | #AspireMag

Have you ever wondered why you find yourself manifesting some things, but other things, maybe the thing you most desire, never shows up? 

Just five years ago, I was struggling to manifest my soulmate. 

I’d been a single mom of two kids for what seemed like a lifetime. Even though I had studied and used the Law of Attraction successfully for the past 30 years, I could not manifest my soulmate partner. 

I had been praying to God to bring me the man of his design. I had my soulmate vision board. My list of twelve qualities and values of the soulmate I desired providing a clear intention. I was doing my visualizations regularly.  I had even started swiping left in those dreaded dating apps that I absolutely hated, to put myself out there. But no matter what I did, he didn’t appear. 

I had become frustrated and fearful at this point, that I may end up settling for someone with some good “check marks” that I knew was NOT my soulmate, or possibly worse, end up being alone.  I didn’t understand what more I could do. 

One day, everything shifted.  

I was listening to Dr. Joe Dispenza, and what I heard changed the trajectory of my life and empowered and inspired me to create and apply the “Soulmate Solution Formula.”  

Dr. Joe’s magical words, as I remember them, when an attendee asked him about manifesting a soul mate were, “Oh that’s simple, you need to become the soulmate you want to attract.” 

It was an instant epiphany for me! I realized it was the missing piece and couldn’t believe I hadn’t noticed it. 

It’s one of the most basic principles of the Law of Attraction…. WE ATTRACT WHAT WE ARE. 

All the action of creating a vision of what I wanted in a soulmate, and thinking about how different my life would be if I was with the love of my life, was focusing on what I didn’t have. I was so focused on scarcity and lack that, of course, I couldn’t call in my soulmate. 

I dove headfirst into the energy of BECOMING my own soulmate.  

I knew I had to merge the Law of Attraction (we attract into our lives what we think about and focus on) with the Law of Resonance (the vibrational frequency of those thoughts and the accompanying emotions create a vibrational frequency, and you must be a vibrational frequency match to what you desire).  

Here are the 3 Practices I personally embraced and now support my Soulmate Solution clients in doing:  

1) Become Your Own Soulmate: 

Become the “things” on that list and vision board.  In my program, The Soulmate Solution, where I support women in manifesting their soulmate partner, I call it “embodying your future soulmate self.” 

Here’s an example of what this might look like: 

If I want my soulmate to be fit and healthy, that’s exactly what I need to be or to become for myself and in my life. 

In essence, you become the vision board and embody the same characteristics and values as you desire in your soulmate, and this becomes YOUR identity.  In doing this, you become a soulmate to yourself–providing to yourself all that you desire someone else to be and do for you—becoming your own soulmate. 

2) Do the Things You would do if your soulmate were in your life: 

In my certified Infinite Possibilities Coach training with Mike Dooley, we call this “Acting As If.” 

This does three things: it allows your brain to start believing/experiencing this as your reality (the brain gravitates toward what it’s familiar with); it allows your imagination to really play out in real life which enriches your visualizations; and most importantly, it allows you to start FEELING the emotions (raising your vibrational frequency to be a match to what you are desiring).

An example of this might be: 

If you have a passion to travel, start researching where you will go with your soulmate love—decide what row on the airplane to Paris you will choose…will you be flying first class?  Where will you be staying? What about that new luggage—put it in the cart (you don’t have to buy it to PLAY in Acting As If), do the same with the wardrobe you will be packing…HAVE FUN with this!!  You are continuing to raise that vibrational frequency! 

3) Feel the feels of the love you desire: 

Remembering that like energy attracts like energy and we attract what we are, this is a key step in the process. 

Start loving your life and loving yourself and everyone around you will benefit as well as that future soulmate when he or she shows up! 

An example of this might be: 

Go to a card shop and spend time choosing the card you would dream about receiving from your soulmate.  Write a beautiful love letter inside the card you would desire your soulmate to write to you.  Include how beautiful you are, how he adores the way you do this or that.  Gush, gush and do more gushing about your attributes and how he or she feels they won the lottery.  You get the idea.  Now send it to yourself and read it daily to get in that frequency of love and start believing those things about yourself. 

And yes, I have since met and married my soulmate, Doug, and we travel the world together.  

As you become your own soulmate and start acting as if you are living with your soulmate love, you will naturally become your own soulmate and start loving your life and loving yourself. At that point, not only will you be what your soulmate is desiring, but you will be what YOU have been desiring and your soulmate becomes a beautiful addition to that. 

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About the author 

Karen McPhail

Soulmate Manifestation Coach, Infinite Possibilities Trainer and Certified Quantum Manifestation Coach, Karen McPhail is the creator of The Soulmate Solution program where she empowers women in manifesting their soulmate partners while falling in love with themselves and their lives in the process. Ready to begin? Grab your free eguide: 5 Steps to Manifest Your Soulmate. Learn more about her empowering services at

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