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Become a Master Manifester of Your Soul’s Desires

Become a Master Manifester of Your Soul’s Desires by Dr. Debra Reble | #AspireMag

“Your heart will show you who you are  

& what your soul most desires.” Debra Reble 

You hold the power to consciously co-create the divine life you want by consistently using your imagination to paint a picture of your soul’s desires. Instead of following what your brain/ego wants, tap into your heart, and discover what your soul wants or needs. Just shifting your attention from your head to your heart strengthens your divine connection to the soul space within you. This is where the magic happens, where you channel this innate ability to manifest your desires, the ones that source deep within your soul.  

Energy is everything and everything is energy. Although you are in a physical body, you are connected to a quantum field or energy that is formless, vibrating, and emanates from you. You can consciously plug into this energetic field through opening your heart center. You can do this through prayer, meditation, being in nature, and simply dropping into your heart. 

Although we tune in to this energy differently, we all have access to this universal energy field. It is not our ability which determines the extent to which we can receive and transmit this energy, but rather how open we are through our heart center. For some of us, it is natural and easy to open our heart and connect to this energy field. For others, it takes more effort and sustained practice. Some of us have not yet realized that it’s even possible to access such creative energy in this manner. Yet, it isn’t out of our reach.   

What’s the cosmic key to accessing this creational energy? It’s learning how to tune your energy by shifting from the lower vibration of your brain to the higher vibration of the heart. Co-creation doesn’t take place in the mind; it happens by tapping into this quantum field of energy through your heart. Your heart center is the thruway to this universal field of energy that is all around and through you. When you open your heart and attune to this energetic force field or “divine source field,” you become a conduit for transmitting and receiving this powerful energy source. Your heart center transmutes the energy for healing and manifestation of your intentions.  

Tapping into the heart’s vibration allows you to project an expanded field of energy that connects you with the universal energy field encompassing all living beings. Quantum physics shows you that these electromagnetic particles of energy remain connected no matter the physical distance between them. Through conscious awareness, you can open yourself to this source of creational energy that flows through you as if you had pushed the buttons on a radio and tuned into a particular station.  

Opening to a divine source field of unlimited possibilities transcends ordinary three-dimensional reality and moves you into multi-dimensional or 5D reality. You open to a multi-dimensional experience in which you can perceive and choose from an infinite number of enlightened choices. It also allows you to engage with your team of spiritual helpers who are here to support you along your path.  

How do you manifest your soul’s desire from the invisible, (energy) to the visible (form)? You can use a spiritual practice I refer to as Conscious Co-Creation. Through connecting with source, universal intelligence, divine energy, God or whatever you may call it, you too, can co-create your desires that come from deep within your soul. You can acquire the skill of master manifesting by consistently using the power of your imagination to paint a picture of your soul desires. Then, acting on these desires is the key to co-creating the enlightened, joyful, and inspiring life you want.  

The Sacred Practice of Conscious Co-Creation:   

  1. Align with the Universe: Each day become intuitively one with the energetic flow of the universe. Connect with source through a meditation practice. It is a simple practice with the benefits far outnumbering the time it takes to do it. All you must do is close your eyes and you are drawn within, into your inner awareness where you connect to source/God/universal energy, or whatever you may call it. Set the alarm on your phone to remind you. Simply take five minutes at the beginning and end of the day to open your heart to your soul self and strengthen your connection with the universe. 
  2. Focus on Your Soul’s Desires. When you feel uncertain as to what your soul wants, close your eyes, put your hands over your heart, and direct your energy down into your heart space. Focus your attention here and take a few breaths in and out of your heart. Open and ask your heart: What does my soul desire? Write down in your journal any spiritual information that downloads for you. Now intentionally ask the universe to attract to you, the people, circumstances, and information to assist your soul desires to come into form. 
  3. Visualize Your Intentions: Each day immerse yourself in your imagination. See the choices you would make to bring your soul’s desires into fruition. Visualize yourself in your co-creation with the universe. Close your eyes and imagine how your manifested intention would look and feel in your life. Interact with your visions, sensations, and feelings as though they’re already in physical form. Imagine what your soul desires “as if” they’ve already been created. Here’s how I creatively visualized my intention to move to the beach: I imagined a beautiful modern farmhouse near the beach. I envisioned myself walking up the steps, opening the door, and going within as if it were my own. I envisioned what it looked like inside, who was with me, and how I felt being there.  
  4. Take Inspired Action: Follow the spiritual breadcrumbs. Observe and watch for the divine signs to confirm your next steps. Ask yourself: “Is this choice in alignment with the life I’m intending to create?” Take inspired action daily even if it’s the smallest choice. Follow the path you are on as long as your choices are moving smoothly. When things aren’t going smoothly, see this as a divine sign to pause, reevaluate the choice, and choose a different path. When doors open easily, you know you are being guided―but when you keep banging your head against the same closed door, pause and go where the doors open without a struggle. Imagine a time when you took inspired action and the doors opened easily to align with your intention. 
  5. Thank the universe as if it’s already happened. Being grateful opens your heart to a higher vibration that bring your intentions into reality. Every day give thanks as a co-creator with the universe. Feel the connection with source and what you’re co-creating together. Trust in the universe, it’s got your back and your heart. Let go of how your soul desire comes into your life and trust divine timing.   

This sacred practice strengthens your divine connection to the soul space within your heart. The more you start to see yourself as a divine being of light living a human life, the greater your conscious co-creational powers will become. 

The ability to co-create your reality is a divine gift as well as your personal responsibility. All it takes to spark co-creation is one pearl of light, the seed of possibility. 

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About the author 

Dr. Debra Reble

Consciously merging her practical tools as a psychologist, in practice for over two decades, with her intuitive and spiritual gifts, Intuitive Psychologist Dr. Debra Reble empowers women to connect with their hearts, release fear and anxiety, and supports them in breaking through their energetic and spiritual blocks to self-love so they can live authentically.

Debra is the International Bestselling author of Soul-Hearted Living: A Year of Sacred Reflections & Affirmations for Women, Being Love: How Loving Yourself Creates Ripples of Transformation in Your Relationships and the World, (Inspired Living Publishing) and the author of Soul-Hearted Partnership: The Ultimate Experience of Love, Passion, and Intimacy, which garnered four book awards including the Eric Hoffer award, as well as a contributing author to numerous best-selling books.

Debra is a sought-after speaker and media guest and is the host of the popular Soul-Hearted Living podcast on iTunes. Through her popular Soul-Hearted Living workshops, retreats, and private sessions Dr. Debra is passionate about serving women. Her digital program, Anxiety RX: Balm for the Soul supports women in learning to see their anxiety from a spiritual perspective.

You are invited to her transformational 4 part Soul-Hearted Living meditation series as a gift from her heart to yours.

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