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Banish Your Clutter & Step Courageously Forward in 2018!

ClutterClutter. It comes in all shapes and sizes. It lands in all sorts of inconspicuous spaces. It causes stagnation and inertia. It creates hazards and health risks of all kinds. It does not help you to think clearly, keep emotions at bay and hear your inner wisdom. It stops you from leading the life of your dreams.  
As the holiday season turns to the New Year, it’s a great time to evaluate the clutter around us and within us and to tame it so we can step forward and let our beautiful souls shine! 

There are four kinds of clutter that affect your health and your happiness. The most obvious of these is the physical clutter in our space. Clutter clogs. It’s that simple. 

The worst-case scenarios create health hazard holding mold and mildew and can be a potential fire hazard. This is hoarding and is a mental health condition that needs the support of a clutter-specialist. For most, however, we have physical clutter around us that often goes unnoticed but will way heavy upon our spiritual being. 
Close your eyes for a moment. In your mind’s eye, walk through your home. What do you see with this new-found vision? Where do you feel ‘hung up’? Is there clutter there? Sit in your office at your desk and close your eyes. What do you see with this new-found vision? Where do you feel ‘hung up’? Is there clutter there?  

Even in its smallest form ~ the entrance spot where you put your keys, extra coins, pens and accumulated stuff when you walk in the home~ can hang us up without our knowing.  
This clutter stops the flow of energy through your home or office. It stifles creativity and creates confusion. A confused mind never makes choices with ease. A confused mind can never hear your most innate wisdom that gives you the best choices to make. From here, you are not following your Soul’s truth and health, happiness and joy are averted. 

Often, physical clutter can also create clutter within the mind and heart preventing you from hearing your inner wisdom with greater clarity.  

Creating a plan to tackle clutter each month or each season allows us to keep it in check. It is actally a great time to put our homes and offices in order as we prepare for the holidays! 


Our mindset supports us in navigating life. Managing how we react to life with our mind is not always easy. It is a skill that, once honed, keeps us focused on the dreams we have for our life and allows us to take the necessary steps onward toward that vision. 
When we allow our minds to race negatively, we create clutter. When we allow our minds to focus on the minutia of what we have to do instead of doing it, we create clutter in our minds. This clutter, when unchecked, will create stress and anxiety for us. Without the ability to clear this clutter, it can continue leading us down a path of health risks such as depression, heart challenges and more. 
Mental clutter creates worry. Our thoughts will become negative.  Unsupportive, repetitive thought patterns will begin to lead us into a life of less joy, less love. Our thoughts will lead us to make choices and decisions based on worry, lack of clarity and confusion. These choices will not be in our best interest.  

We become unable to understand own inner wisdom through the mental clutter. When we stop understanding this wisdom, it will go into retreat and sit back allowing our minds and our egos to take over our lives. 
Creating a clear mindset is a skill. It begins with listening to the words in our heads and countering them when they are not supportive. Surrounding yourself with positive news and people helps. As well, uising affirmations to ward off repetitive thoughts that are negative will serve to keep our minds clear of the clutter and allow us to lead with joy and make choices that serve us well.  


Our emotions can create clutter too when left to run our lives. We are emotional beings. These emotions allow us to experience life to its fullest. They allow us sympathy, empathy, compassion. Heartache allows us to love even deeper. Sorrow allows us to experience Joy to a greater capacity. Emotions. We all have them. 
Emotions, however, do not define who we are as a spiritual being. Our spirit is full of love and joy. Our emotions can be full of the stuff that becomes baggage. Resentment, anger, frustration and more can wear us down when we do not check them. 

It is imperative to tune into our emotions and to see them as our natural response to life. When left unchecked, they create clutter and the ‘emotional baggage’ that runs our lives.  Making decisions in a space where there is still emotional baggage with will not serve our highest good.  
By acknowledging these emotions as emotions and not the truth of life, you can easily release them. Replacing them using a positive mindset removes them as clutter and allows us to access our inner wisdom.  
By using our skills of clutter clearing the physical, clutter clearing our minds and clutter clearing our emotions, we can keep spiritual clutter at bay. 

The spirit within us is never cluttered! Our spirit is connected to source and therefore is loving energy to spearhead our purpose, our passions, our joy and our abundance!  
The spiritual clutter comes from creating worldly and human clutter. When we have physical, mental and emotional clutter in our lives, we have less ability to access our innate truth and to access the spirit that lives within.  
It is not spiritual clutter that prevents us from love and joy for there is no such thing. It’s the clutter that we surround ourselves with that prevents us from what we each have within us.  
This clutter prevents us from having ability to sit quietly to hear, understand and act upon our truth. It prevents us from having the courage to take the steps in life, with joy, which brings us closer to our dreams and our visions. It prevents us from having abundance of all kinds in our lives.  
Physical clutter creates stagnant energy around us. This stagnant energy stops us from having space that supports us to feel, see and sense our truth. Taming this clutter with a plan that systematically clears it out allows the energy to flow to create sacred space to access this truth within.  
Mental clutter creates confusion and a lack of clarity. In this space, choices and decisions are often made that are not in our best interest. Creating a mindset that nurtures and supports you allows you to have the bandwidth for positive and decisive choices that lead you to more joy and abundance in life.  
Checking negative thoughts, creating personal affirmations and surrounding yourself with positivity keeps mental clutter at bay.  

Emotional clutter begins when we do not see that our emotions are a part of our humanness. When we react emotionally rather than from a centered and grounded space, clutter will build. Releasing emotions that do not serve us when they happen helps to avoid this kind of clutter. Uncluttered, emotional space allows us to step forward as our loving spiritual self.  

Clutter clearing is a skill that supports us to step out passionately and purposefully in life. Seeking support to create and enhance these skills may be necessary along the path of life. Each of us can tame physical, mental and emotional clutter to shine our best selves in the New Year and beyond!  

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About the author 

Laura Clark

Sought after Master Soul Coach® and Instructor trainer, Laura Clark knows that Living In-Joy comes from following your own inner wisdom. Through her own recovery from depression and 20 years as an entrepreneur, Laura fully understands the life interrupts and barriers that are obstacles to living a life of ease, grace, joy and happiness. She is the founder of, trained and certified by Denise Linn and believes that your soul knows the truth. She empowers her clients to hear their soul’s whispers more consistently, understand it more clearly and act upon it more courageously for a life filled with greater joy and abundance than ever imagined. As an International best-selling author and engaging speaker, Laura brings her unique wit and a down to earth, practical approach to implementing spirituality and soul-wise living into your life.

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