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Awakening Women – Intuition, Personal Power & Success

Intuition, Success“The Shift” or “The Awakening” may or may not be familiar terms to you, but what they describe is the collective up-leveling of our consciousness… our awareness.

I’ve been working with those who have been on the front lines of this shift in consciousness for over a decade now. For the most part, it’s been the healers and those on a spiritual journey who have been in the throes of all this ascension energy.

Then this election happened, and it’s as though a whole new group of people have stepped onto this platform and have begun to rise: women – everyday women – who now have a whole lot to say.

I’m not going to get into politics here, but I will say this: a massive door opened with this election that has activated a deep level of change and healing.

There has been a clear re-emergence of the powerful feminine archetype showing up in the last month. She has been biding her time over the years as “the shift” has been creating its foundation.

What has awakened recently is powerful.

Women everywhere are showing up and stepping up into their power. And although there is a spiritual level to this shift, it’s not like what happened when the healers underwent their transformation.

The conversations I am having with people who are being thrown into this new energy and up-leveling is not about energy per say; it’s about personal power. What’s being activated within so many women is a re-alignment – a re-positioning – of themselves in the workforce and in their communities, to show up as leaders who hold Divine Feminine Wisdom.

It’s called “The Awakening” for a reason.

True to form, what’s happening to so many women is that they are almost literally waking up and realizing that what they are doing is now long longer ‘it.”

They are recognizing that their wisdom must be put to better use… to serve and change the world. And thus, there are a whole lot of “everyday women” getting ready to make an ambitious change, and leap into something new.

They just don’t know what exactly. Or if they do, they don’t quite know how to get there. It’s at this point that one’s personal shift can either stall out or explode into greatness.

Go big; your transformation will be easier.


If you can see this for what it is, you can use the energy behind this level of growth to fuel the process.

Bigger is better here. Playing small will stall you out.

The change that is being ushered into your life is not “just” a change in job or relationship or location. It’s you up-leveling into a bigger version of yourself, positioning you to have a greater impact.

Your impact will be equal to how you embrace and model your mojo. You create that impact by stepping into your authentic self and getting out there in the world in some more aligned way, with a bigger voice.

The work is to break through the limiting beliefs that you have of yourself and find that bigger version of who you are.

Intuition and awareness are what will drive your success.

Ambitious women are waking up in new ways. And that’s a good thing. Their ambition is an asset. What they may not fully recognize is that their intuition and inner wisdom are also huge assets.
Awakening to your intuition is vital, to get where you want to get to. I’m talking about you recognizing that you are always streaming a live feed of energetic information. It’s time to become aware and use that, to fuel your success.

To create new things, speak new ideas into the world and infuse those around you with possibilities, you simply cannot work off an old road map. And you definitely can’t use some outside source as your reference point and guide as to what you should do and how you should do it.

Learning to listen within and to translate what you know into clear and aligned action is what is needed here. You, learning to use your own intuition and inner awareness as your internal GPS are vital to your success.

Success and intuition do go hand in hand. That’s part of what’s shifting here too. Intuition is coming out of the spiritual realm and heading into the workforce.

The universe works in mysterious ways.

I don’t think it can be denied that the energy has shifted these past few weeks. From where I sit, a new wave of change-makers has signed up for some up-leveling: Women.

Seeing so many women right now claim their own message and purpose in life is inspiring. There is a new energy in play, for sure. It’s feminine and powerful; it’s creating a wave of heartfelt ambitious women ready to show up and create change.

If you find yourself standing on this new platform, realizing that you too have something bigger to do and that your voice is needed to help shape your world – the world – then it’s time to leap.

Find your “new self” then put yourself out there.

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About the author 

Stacy Vajta

Stacy Vajta is a transformational coach and healer, with over 30 years experience in working with people to break through the core patterns and live their Truth. Her work is a blend of powerful transformative energy healing, intuitive work, creative inner work, and coaching; all designed to help you get out of your own way and then be and live your Truth.

To learn more, visit her at The Everyday Lightworker. While you’re there, pick up her FREE e-book, “Finding You Again: 3 Steps to Reconnect with Your Energy, Your Inner Wisdom, and Your Self.”

Learn More at

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