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How to Avoid A Freak Out and Keep An Even Keel

How to Avoid A Freak Out and Keep An Even Keel by Stacey Curnow | #AspireMag

Have you ever had that feeling when you know you are just about to freak out? 

You know when you feel the pressure build and build and build and you know that the next time anyone asks you when you are going to finish that project (or get married, or get a real job) you are seriously going to FREAK OUT and probably say or do something you’ll regret.

I felt that way yesterday morning. About three times. Luckily, I remembered a technique that has kept me from losing it on more than one occasion.

I ask myself if the current negative event is likely to bother me in 2 weeks. Asking that simple question helps because it takes me out of the present moment that feels so stressful and requires me to get analytical about it.

Will it really matter 2 weeks from now that my husband didn’t remember to buy dog food, even though I reminded him of it before he went out? Will it really matter that my mom has asked me to do “just one more thing” for our family celebration, even though I think she’s asked too much already? Two weeks from now will it really matter that I ate a half-pound of fudge?

If it just doesn’t seem that likely that it will bother me 2 weeks from now, I take a deep breath and remind myself of who I want to be and how I want to feel.

I want to feel happy, or at least peaceful, no matter what the circumstance. I want to be kind and loving, even if the people around me don’t seem to “deserve” it. Most of all, I want to be kind with myself.

I’ve learned that before I enter into any situation that’s likely to be challenging (deadlines at work, family gatherings, caring for a sick child), I need to set an intention for who I want to be and how I want feel no matter what, and then it’s easier to remember when I’m triggered.

When I feel the cares of the world wearing on me I also try to practice the Loving Kindness Meditation I learned from Jack Kornfield in his book, Buddha’s Little Instruction Book.

He writes that with a loving heart as the background, all that we attempt, all that we encounter will open and flow more easily.

You start with yourself because without loving yourself it is almost impossible to love others.

May I be filled with loving kindness.

May I be well.

May I be peaceful and at ease.

May I be happy.

Be aware that this meditation may at times feel mechanical or awkward or even bring up feelings contrary to loving kindness – feelings of irritation and anger. If this happens, it is especially important to be patient and kind toward yourself, allowing whatever arises to be received in a spirit of friendliness and kind affection.

When you feel you have established some sense of loving kindness, you can then expand your meditation to include others in the same meditation period. After focusing on yourself choose someone in your life who has truly cared for you. Picture that person and recite the same phrases: May he/may she be filled with loving kindness, and so forth.

After this you can include others: friends, community members, people everywhere, animals, all beings, the whole earth. Then you can even include the difficult people in your life, wishing that they too be filled with loving kindness and peace.

Loving kindness can be practiced anywhere. You can use this practice in traffic jams, in check-out lanes, and in airports.

As you silently practice this meditation among people, you will immediately feel a wonderful connection with them – the power of loving kindness. It will calm your life and keep you connected with your heart.

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About the author 

Stacey Curnow

Stacey Curnow is a sought-after purpose and success coach who recently left behind a 20-year career in nurse-midwifery – helping women give birth to babies – to help women give birth to their BIG dreams.

Stacey is the founder of Midwife for Your Life – a website, blog and series of signature coaching programs – and serves clients all over the world. She is also the Life Purpose Expert for Aspire Magazine.

She published a best-selling children’s book, Ravenna, is a contributing author of Inspiration for a Woman’s Soul: Choosing Happiness (coming in February of 2015), and is currently writing Pain Body Proof: How to Transform Your Negative Thoughts, Improve All Your Relationships and Enjoy More Happiness

You can sample her work by reading The Purpose and Passion Guidebook: 6 Steps to Doing Good, Feeling Good and Achieving Your Dreams. It will inspire you to tap into your deepest desires, claim your true value and identify your soul’s work in order to live your best life.

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  • Peggy Nolan says:

    There is so much power in loving kindness. For me, it’s about being able to step back in the moment and breathe. Press pause. Relax. No one’s in danger (for the most part). Every time my husband’s allergic reaction to unloading the dishwasher kicks in, I have to remember that it’s not a freak out worthy event 😉

    • midwifeforyourlife says:

      Hi Peggy!

      Yes! Deep breaths and a sense of humor go SO FAR in avoiding a frek out, don’t they?? Thanks so much for the smile, Peggy!

      Big hugs and love to you!!

  • Dr Debra Reble says:

    I give myself permission to pause whenever I feel a reaction coming on and tell myself it’s only a temporary feeling. This too shall pass and remind myself that all is well. Yes Stacey loving-kindness is always the answer. Thank you for your kind and loving words. Hugs

    • midwifeforyourlife says:

      Hi Debra!

      Thanks so much for your kind comment and letting me know the practices and affirmations that work for you too!!

      Big hugs and love to you!!

  • What a delightful technique! BTW, I just noticed you are in Asheville — I’m in Chapel Hill. We’ll have to meet sometime!

    • midwifeforyourlife says:

      Hi Sheila!

      Thanks so much for your kind note! And that’s so cool you live in Chapel Hill — I lived there when I went to nursing school (and met my husband there as he was in graduate school too) and loved it!

      Any time you’re traveling west, let me know!

      Big love and hugs!

  • Minette Riordan says:

    Stacey, this is one of my favorite meditations, so powerful but what I loved best about your post was asking the questions: will this still bug me in 2 weeks. I think that may help me sell through the holidays with grace and ease!

    • midwifeforyourlife says:

      Hi Minette!!

      Thanks so much for your kind comment! I’m delighted that you will try to use the “2 week” question in the coming weeks! It has certainly made my life so much more peaceful!!

      Big love and hugs!

  • Dina LoRusso Overland says:

    Love this tip! Simple yet brilliant. I will definitely be using it myself 🙂 And I so agree that setting intentions does wonders to improving how we feel, especially in stressful situations.

    • midwifeforyourlife says:

      Hi Dina!

      Thanks so much for your kind comment! I’m so glad the tips offered in my article resonated with you!!

      Big love and hugs to you!!

  • Laura Clark says:

    Stacey ~ I love this practice. I learned it several years ago and use it quite frequently. I also shift the intention by shifting the words when it serves me. I did this right after the Boston Marathon Bombings. I was training for a race in Boston 2 weeks later and I could barely move my legs. I went into the sacred space of loving kindness and used them for more than 75 miles of training and the run.Things shifted and I ran with angel wings on my sneakers. The run was so filled with love and light just two weeks after that horrific event. A testament to the spirit that we all carry each and every day. My words were
    I am Safe.
    I am Supported.
    I am Strong.
    I am Successful.
    I am Spirit.
    You are Safe.
    You are Supported.
    You are Strong.
    You are Successful.
    You are Spirit.
    We are Safe.
    We are supported.
    We are Strong.
    We are Successful.
    We are Spirit.

    • midwifeforyourlife says:

      Wow, Laura!!

      Thanks so much for sharing your powerful mediation with us!! I had chills when I read it — a sure sign that the angels were whispering those words into your ear and giving you their wings!! LOVE that!!

      Big love and hugs to you!!

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