Love is without conditions or terms if it is to be lasting. Have you ever said to someone if you love me, ...

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Watch for the email to confirm your subscription so we can send you your gifts. (Check your spam folder.)
Love is without conditions or terms if it is to be lasting. Have you ever said to someone if you love me, ...
How do you react when a cosmic curve ball hits you right between the eyes? Do you cringe, fall to the ground ...
2014 presented me with some of my greatest challenges in the last ten years. These painful and disruptive experiences, which I call ...
How many times have you gotten a “funny” feeling that something wasn’t right? You can’t put your finger on it but there ...
“Be yourself- not your idea of what you think somebody else’s idea of yourself should be.” ― Henry David Thoreau Before I ...
Earlier this year, First Lady Michelle Obama, 49, got a lot of press when she got a new hairstyle and debuted bangs. ...
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