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Attract Clients and Share Your Wisdom with Teleseminars and Webinars

Attract Clients and Share Your Wisdom with Teleseminars and Webinars by Suzanne Moore | #AspireMag

In this article, I am sharing my favorite email list-building strategy: teleseminars and webinars. These events are excellent community builders. They also build your credibility and expand your reach. For all of these reasons, they are one of the first things I encourage clients of all levels to undertake.

If you have never attended one, the concept is pretty simple. You create an educational talk on a subject that is in-keeping with how you serve people in your business. Then you deliver it to an audience. As a business owner, you may do this regularly in person. The difference with a teleseminar or webinar is that your audience is in a virtual room with you instead of a physical one.

In addition to building your email-marketing list, these events are excellent credibility builders. When you properly promote your online events, whether or not people opt-in, they learn more about your business focus and the way you serve clients simply by hearing about the event you are promoting. This expands your reach and positions you as an expert in your field.

For those of you who already do in-person speaking engagements, you know how beneficial they can be. Once your message is honed, speaking in front of an audience is one of the best ways to garner new business. It gives you the opportunity to identify some of your clients’ biggest challenges and why they need to fix them. It is also a platform for you to highlight how working with you can eliminate those challenges.

The same is true with online speaking events. However, I think that they can be even more beneficial, as by their nature, they overcome numerous limitations of in-person speaking gigs and create many opportunities. For example:

  • Audience members do not have to travel to an online speaking event, they can listen from the comfort of their couch or desk.
  • They do not have to block travel time, which drastically reduces a significant barrier to entry.
  • Listeners can be from anywhere in the world. While doing global business may not be your focus, consider for a moment how much larger your potential client base is if you can expand it beyond your immediate physical limitations.
  • Audiences that are willing to attend free events virtually are usually willing to attend paid programs virtually – this may expand your business offerings into new directions.

These events build your email list because you can require an email opt-in in exchange for the event access information. The challenge for you is making the event sound beneficial enough that ideal clients make the choice to opt-in. Be sure when you create your talk title that it connects deeply with them. Just by reading it, they should feel that attending will provide them with knowledge that will help them move beyond a significant challenge.

Should you decide to move forward with an online speaking event, there are three pieces of technology you will need for a teleseminar or webinar. They are:

  1. An email-marketing program: Hopefully you already have a program where you are collecting email addresses of clients and potential clients. If not, you will need one to run an online event.
  2. An opt-in page. You will need a page where potential registrants to your event can sign-up to join you. This can be a very simple page with just the title of the event and perhaps a few bullet-points about what guests might learn. The most important element for you as the business owner is that there be an opt-in where you can collect guest names and email addresses.
  3. A teleseminar or webinar platform. A free teleseminar line is the minimum requirement but if you would like to be fancier or more sophisticated, using a webinar or live streaming platform allows for more interaction with attendees and visual aids. I encourage newer speakers to start with teleseminars, then transition to webinars once they have more confidence.

Imagine that suddenly hundreds of people who have not heard of you before know you as an expert in your field simply because they have seen advertisements for your free teleseminar or webinar. Consider how that could impact your business. I encourage you to get started with these online events soon and watch your email list and pipeline grow as a result.

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About the author 

Suzanne Moore

Suzanne Moore helps coaches & consultants create success by teaching them how to build their email marketing list. Her no-nonsense straight talk, clear direction & technical know-how provide the support her clients need to get 'out of their own way' and get clients. Suzanne has an MBA, hosts the podcast #JFDI Marketing, is a member of the Change Your Attitude...Change Your Life Good Life Team and is a featured expert on New York's WOR radio station.
Learn more at

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