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Are You Scared to Make a Change? Your Intuition Can Help!

Are You Scared to Make a Change? Your Intuition Can Help! by Lynn Robinson, M.Ed. | #AspireMag

I’m passionate about trusting your intuition. It’s your “Inner GPS” that points you in the right direction in life. Developing a good relationship with this wise guidance is one of the best things you can do when you’re facing a major decision.

How Does Intuition Speak to You?

The dictionary defines intuition as “quick and ready insight.” When we pay attention to it, it moves us towards success and happiness and away from danger. Intuition has many “voices.” There are several ways to receive its wisdom. It may come as the proverbial “still, quiet, inner voice.” It may also communicate insight through dreams, emotions, a gut feeling. Or you may simply know the answer.  Think back to a decision you’ve made in the past. How did your intuition communicate its message? How did you know you were making either a mistake or a good decision?

It’s Normal to Feel at Least a Little Scared

“I’m so scared to make a change!” is one of the most frequent statements I hear from clients. Fear is a constant companion for most of us when we’re going through a challenging time. It seems virtually impossible to stop the “what ifs” in our head once they start their drumbeat. “What if I lose my job?” “What if I can’t care for my child?” “What if I can’t make my rent or mortgage?” It may be normal to be scared, but taken to an extreme it will leave you paralyzed and unable to act to change your situation.

It’s difficult to make positive choices to steer yourself in a new direction if fear is gripping the wheel. I love the guidance about fear that author Sophy Burnham received from her intuition. She shares it in her book, The Path of Prayer. “Don’t fret,” said the voice. “You have nothing to worry about! Just relax and let things come along in their proper time. Let Quiet, Peace, and Harmony rule, and avoid stressful situations. Let them be born, live and straighten out pleasantly, not with fretting or urgency but by simply accepting the fact — it will work out if you let yourself be led instead of trying to force matters. All is well and remains well.” Isn’t that incredibly comforting?

Take it a Step at a Time

One of the best ways to find the answer is to take a small step towards what your intuition prompts you to do. How do you feel as you proceed? What are the results you’re getting? If you continue to feel positive and your actions produce well-being and harmony, then you’re on the right track. Keep going! If on the other hand you feel depressed, blocked, lacking in energy and you’re getting a negative response to your actions, it’s time to slow down, stop and reevaluate.

When you follow your inner guidance, coincidences and synchronicities begin to occur. Doors will open and opportunities will come your way. You’ll find that as you feel your way along the path of following your intuition, more steps will be presented to you.

Build Your Intuitive Abilities

Learning to trust your intuition is like practicing any new skill or talent. Usually you feel uncertain and insecure. “Am I doing it right?” is often the major question. Here are some simple steps to build your faith in your intuitive guidance as a source of information you can count on to create a life you love.

When you’re faced with a decision, find a time and place where you can be still and listen for guidance. Have a pen and paper on hand. Review your concern in your mind. You might want to write a few paragraphs to clarify the issue.

Clear your mind as best you can. Some people do this by watching their breath flow in and out, others by focusing on a candle or listening to relaxing music. Find a way that works best for you.

Ask Good Questions

Ask your inner guidance for information about the best choice. Open-ended questions are most helpful. Here are some examples: “What’s the best choice for my work at this time?” “How can I help my daughter?” “How can I increase my prosperity?” “What can I do to feel happier?”

Listen carefully. Don’t edit what you receive. Intuition may come in a flash of insight, words, a fleeting or symbolic impression, an emotion, or even a body sensation. Some people report that they suddenly “just know” the answer. Others say the answer comes to them later in the day when they least expect it.

Write the information in your journal. Evaluate it. If you’ve received accurate intuition it should feel right to you. You will probably experience a pull to action that your guidance creates. The information will make you feel peaceful or calm, not agitated or upset.

Take some steps in the direction your intuition indicates. This need not require a huge leap of faith or a big change in your life. Test the information and see what the results are. If you receive positive results and you continue to feel good, take some more steps.

Evaluate your process. Each time you receive accurate information, act on it and create a positive outcome. You’re building “intuitive muscle.” You’re creating a strong channel for Divine wisdom to flow to you easily and effortlessly whenever you need it.

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About the author 

Lynn Robinson, M.Ed.

Lynn A. Robinson, M.Ed., is a leading expert on the topic of intuition. Through her work as an intuitive advisor she's helped thousands of people discover their life passion and achieve their goals. Voted “Best Psychic” by Boston Magazine, she’s a bestselling author whose latest book is Divine Intuition: Your Inner Guide to Purpose, Peace and Prosperity. She’s also the author of, LISTEN: Trusting Your Inner Voice in Times of Crisis and Trust Your Gut. To learn more about her books and intuitive readings, visit

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