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Are You Hiding Your Light?

Are You Hiding Your Light? by Paula Foster | #AspireMag

Late last year, I experienced what could only be described as a spiritual “ah-ha moment” and it truly shook me to my core. I realized that I have been hiding my light and I was finally ready to dive deep and get some clarity. I realized that I wasn’t living as loudly and brightly as I could and the reason is FEAR – fear of what others would say and how they would react to this version of me. This is not a new story for me, but I’m finally feeling the courage to face it and (lovingly) let it go for good!

Prior to this I was not fully living in MY light and sharing my innate gifts and vision.  I was playing it safe by working with and for others and because I was weighed down by family obligations. I also feared judgment and rejection by family and friends if I truly let myself shine. When you share your vision it means putting it out there for the world to see. That is something to celebrate, not fear, but it has taken me a while to get to this place of empowerment thinking.

My story involves a family legacy of fear and doubt and a complicated relationship with my mother. Her rejection of me and my light shaped me from the age I was old enough to understand. Something I’m just now dealing with fully, in light of her death earlier this year. The big breakthrough for me was this – at the age of 47 this was still holding me back and I decided it was time to get this weight off my back once and for all!

With the help of my fellow health coaches and good friends, energy workers, and other healing practices, I have truly tapped into my spirituality and discovered this truth about how it was impacting my work and life. Now I’m clear on my work and the journey ahead and it feels wonderful! Sometimes it is still a bit scary and I’m learning to let go and take the path that feels right for me. There are people in my life that love me, but they will never understand and that is not my problem to solve…it is their response/issue to work through.

As a health coach I look at what is going on in every area of a client’s life to help them create the vibrant, healthy & delicious life they have always desired. This involves taking a close look at what is going on in four key areas of their life – Work/Career, Spirituality, Physical Activity & Relationships. When you are fulfilled in these four areas, what we call “Primary Foods”, actually food becomes secondary. It truly is a case of feeding your soul and the rest will fall into place. It is a beautiful and empowering process to witness in others!

Are you hiding your light? 3 Steps to make positive changes today –

1. Ask yourself the following questions:

How is this showing up for you in your life and your work?

Are truly living your vision and letting your light (gifts) shine?

If not, ask yourself what is missing. What does you heart and soul need?

2. Once you are clear on your vision, set some intentions.  The universe loves declarative statements that live in the present. This is one of many that I use daily “I am now living my vision and letting my light shine!”  Feel free to get really specific because the universe loves that even more.

3. Surround yourself with positive people and seek out healing practices to support you on your journey. For me this includes business & personal coaching, yoga, reiki, intuitive healers, meditation, chanting and social groups of like-minded women.

This quote from Marianne Williamson interpreting “A Course in Miracles” sums this up so beautifully for me and I want to leave you with this empowering thought

 “Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It’s not just in some of us; it’s in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”

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About the author 

Paula Foster

Paula Foster is a holistic health and empowerment coach who helps professional women feel strong, sexy, and inspired by guiding them through positive, empowering changes to their health and happiness that last forever. Working with Paula, you will learn to love who you see AND how you feel when you look in the mirror! Her unique combination of health coaching and nutrition knowledge, merged with a highly intuitive, joyous, energetic and spiritual approach to living allows her to get to the heart of what really matters with her clients and guide them toward their most Beautifully Empowered life; a life that is ripe with juicy possibilities, joy & happiness, vibrant health, increased energy, vital self love & care, community, and positive change! Paula works with clients in person and via phone/skype and offers private coaching, workshops and group programs. Learn more about Paula and why love is her secret ingredient, and take your first step toward a Beautifully Empowered lifestyle! Learn more at

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  • Setting intentions is the area I don’t put enough attention to. Thanks for this reminder. Most of us ‘hide our light’ for a variety of reasons. At 64 I’m pushing myself to shine publicly. I’m granting myself permission to do so.

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