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Are You Grasping or Gravitating?

Are You Grasping or Gravitating? by Paula Foster | #AspireMa

How do you know if you are you grasping or gravitating in your life? When you are grasping you are trying to make something happen or striving forward….perhaps operating on auto-pilot and working on that big “should list”? When you are gravitating you are coming from an intuitive place and you are naturally drawn to people and circumstances that support you in your highest good. It feels easy and it unfolds easily. Sometimes we question that feeling because it goes against what we were taught – that you have to make things happen, keep on striving and moving up and that ANY momentum is a good thing.  I don’t know about you, but I want to work smarter doing what I love (not harder) because I want plenty of time to play, love and have fun!

When we are grasping and living on auto-pilot this can create a lot of stress that impacts our physical and emotional health. This will generally manifest in health issues like weight gain, depression, addictive behaviors such as anesthetizing with food and/or alcohol, exacerbating autoimmune diseases, heart disease, and even cancer. It is well established that stress feeds cancer, so I’m not saying that to scare you. The sad truth is that living a stressed out, unhappy and unfulfilled life has consequences, but you do have a choice.

How do you know if you are grasping or gravitating? When you are presented with a situation to consider or a desire to create something, do the following:

  1. Check in with your physical response. Do you feel heavy/sad or light/happy? This is a great indicator and I’ve talked about this concept before; how some things can literally weigh you down and you need to detox/cleanse them from you life. Well you can also use this “feel test” when considering what to do next or when presented with a new opportunity. Do you feel tense, nauseous, or heavy at the thought? Or do you feel light, happy and joyful at the thought?
  2. Sit quietly and meditate and/or ask for guidance. This may take some patience if new to this sort of thing. I remember when I was a newcomer to praying and meditation so I encourage you to be patient with yourself. Sometimes just a quiet walk in nature will provide the answer. Just be open to receiving the messages.
  3. Surrender to the outcome. The result may not be what you EXPECTED…maybe it’s better!

In the past when I have tried to make things happen because I feel like I should be doing something to move my life and business forward, they always seem to fall short. I usually end up dreading what I committed to and then beat myself up for not getting it “right”. But when I check in with my internal guidance system first, those ideas and concepts get much better results because they are more in alignment with who I am.

I have learned many things in my life that I apply to my coaching practice. In fact, I am frequently asked how I bucked my family legacy of obesity (morbid), type II diabetes, depression, negativity, and unfulfilled desires that led to my mother’s death at the age of 71. The short answer to this question is personal choice and learning to tap into my intuition and mindset. When you realize that you do have a choice over family inheritance, environment, and what you choose to believe about yourself and how to live your life, things can change in an instant.  You.Decide.Now. 

You decide to take a step toward that which you want with all your heart. You decide to stand up for yourself. You decide that today is the day you take back your health and reject an unhealthy inheritance. You decide to love yourself first so that you can really enjoy life with those that you love. You decide to own your worth and declare your value. You decide to stop grasping and living on auto-pilot. The list goes on, but I think you get the idea.

What thought can you decide to change right now? Now take action, no matter how small. Make a call, reach out, ask for help, make it known, and then let it go. Now applaud yourself and smile!

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About the author 

Paula Foster

Paula Foster is a holistic health and empowerment coach who helps professional women feel strong, sexy, and inspired by guiding them through positive, empowering changes to their health and happiness that last forever. Working with Paula, you will learn to love who you see AND how you feel when you look in the mirror! Her unique combination of health coaching and nutrition knowledge, merged with a highly intuitive, joyous, energetic and spiritual approach to living allows her to get to the heart of what really matters with her clients and guide them toward their most Beautifully Empowered life; a life that is ripe with juicy possibilities, joy & happiness, vibrant health, increased energy, vital self love & care, community, and positive change! Paula works with clients in person and via phone/skype and offers private coaching, workshops and group programs. Learn more about Paula and why love is her secret ingredient, and take your first step toward a Beautifully Empowered lifestyle! Learn more at

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