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Angels, Intuition and Indigestion: 3 Compelling Reasons to Listen to Your Inner Voice

IntuitionEvery one of us has been assigned our own personal team of guides, teachers and angels – who have the intention and purpose of providing assistance, support and direction – each and every time you request it. I always intend to differ to divine guidance, especially when I am overwhelmed with whatever crossroads I am at. These guides, teachers and angels are with me all the time – I may as well keep them busy…. Who am I to cause these beautiful energy bodies to sit idle? These guides, teachers and angels are your divine spiritual tribe. Embrace them and use the tools that are offer to you!

They communicate with you through signs, symbols and feeling. They are that voice that we often “hear”, feel or know. And that same voice we sometimes ignore or don’t notice. Learning to hear and heed that inner voice takes work, practice and patience. But the result is always worth the effort. There are innumerable reasons why you should listen to your inner voice – these are my favorite.

1)Your spiritual tribe sees things from a higher level… Imagine you are on a ski lift. You can see all of the skiers swishing down the hill from this perspective. You can see the terrain. You can see the curves in the slope. You can see other skiers that are in your path. From this high level, it’s easy to see exactly what course is open to have the best trip down the hill. However, when you’re on the snow heading down the hill; you can’t see all of the details that are visible from the air. Your spiritual tribe has the advantage of seeing things from far above the Earthly plane. The guidance that they provide to you takes all of that perspective into consideration. This sometimes shows up at the grocery store. you’re walking along deciding whether you want bibb lettuce or romaine lettuce and someone randomly pops into your head. Three aisles up you run into that person. That was just your spiritual tribe giving you the heads up because they can see who else is in the store. This inner voice also shows up for us when we step out onto a cold dark street and get a feeling of unease. In these moments, I always take caution to be aware of any messages, guidance and protection my spiritual tribe has to offer. No feeling or message is worth ignoring!

2)Your spiritual tribe is smarter than you are…  The members of your tribe have the benefit of easy access to all the information, knowledge and experience they have acquired through many lifetimes. They can apply that knowledge to the circumstances that you find yourself presently trudging through. Why would we deny ourselves access to this wealth of knowledge? It can only benefit us and enable us to make choices that more accurately resonate with our divine selves. I use this technique often when I encounter a situation that I am not familiar with. As a lawyer, I always called in my tribe to assist me when I was dealing with another lawyer (I really felt out of vibrate in those moments), or when I had to go to court. I would ask for guidance and insight that took into account the bigger picture that wasn’t visible to me in the moment. The instances that I chose not to listen to my spiritual tribe… did not end in my favor. When I listened and genuinely heard the advice they had to offer, I prevailed.

3)The universe has a warped sense of humor and none of us needs that in our space… This shows up simply and frequently for me. In the moment, I dismiss my intuition or a message from my spiritual tribe, shit hits the fan… or my foot. One evening, I hurriedly unloaded groceries into the fridge. I heard “that’s not a good idea… it WILL fall out…” and I allowed my ego to answer… “oh, it’s fine…” An hour later, I opened the fridge door to witness a pumpkin ale bottle careening out toward my bare foot… by the time I was fully aware that this was not going to turn out well for my delicate foot, the bottle had already hit my little toe and the top of my foot. It swelled instantly and within a few hours was a beautiful peacock palette of purples, greens and blues. My husband came rushing to the kitchen to see what the calamity was… I wanted so badly to spin the circumstances and find a way that he could possibly have done something to precipitate my injury… slammed the garage door and shifted the contents of the fridge… Nope… this was ENTIRELY within my own control… Just a little pause to listen to my spiritual tribe and this all could have been avoided. Of course, this shows up in far more consequential ways, too… the car accident that you dreamed of the night before… but you take that road anyway… the man who has a weird vibe and then you find out he is married…

The universe, your spiritual tribe and your perspective all go hand in hand to create the most abundant, fulfilling and reward experience… designed specifically for you, by you! I implore you to take advantage of all the tools and channels available to you and claim your spiritual power and right! You are not alone on this journey and there is no reason to proceed with your natural divine connection.

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About the author 

Jami Hearn

Jami Hearn is an Intuitive Oracle and Spiritual Teacher, who is passionate about working with high-achieving, spiritual women, to curate the life of their dreams through accessing the Divine Feminine and inner sovereign power that is her birthright. Through her coaching, readings and retreats, Jami empowers women to release self-judgment, tap into true clarity of path and purpose and reconnect to sacred wisdom, so they can consciously create the life they are truly worthy of.

In addition to hosting the podcast Witches, Bitches and Dead People, Jami has a thriving, international coaching practice, is an Akashic Records Expert and Teacher, and has been a successful attorney for more than 20 years. Walking with a foot in each world allows Jami to intentionally and intuitively guide her clients to the ideal strategy for their individual situation, with flow, ease and grace. Learn more at

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