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Analyzing A Dream—Nighttime or Daytime

Analyzing A Dream—Nighttime or Daytime by Cyndi Dale | #AspireMag

Do you long to figure out the meaning of a repetitive dream? Have you had an upsetting or an intriguing dream?? Has a daydream captivated you? 

One of the most oft-used forms of clairvoyance involves receiving and analyzing dreams, whether received while sleeping or when awake—as a nighttime dream or a day dream. Clairvoyance means “clear-seeing,” and involves gaining insight through psychic images. In my book, Awakening Clairvoyant Energy, I share several ways to figure out the meaning of a dream. I’m including an edited excerpt about dreams in this article, and have also encapsulated an exercise you can use to interpret a dream. 

On November 10, 1619, Renee Descartes, mathematician, scientist, and metaphysician, experienced a series of three dreams. He awoke from the first dream confused and disturbed. In it, he was being pursued by ghosts. He calmed down upon entering a college. The second dream featured a clap of thunder. The third dream showcased two different books, a dictionary and a tome of poetry. The dictionary was missing pages, however, and Descartes surmised that the poetry book contained the information he was truly seeking (Dennis,  

From these three dreams, Descartes derived his life purpose, which resulted in him becoming the father of empirical science. He decided to reform knowledge and pursue reason as his god. From my assessment of his dreams, I would suggest that the first dream initiated his quest, symbolizing a search for safety and knowledge. I interpret the second dream as an awakening. The third dream told Descartes where he’d find true wisdom—in poetry, the musings of the conscious. 

Descartes’ three dreams hint at what’s available for us through clairvoyant dreams, whether we receive them during the night or as daydreams.  

Besides serving as vehicles for information, our nighttime dreams are a perfect forum for interacting with guides. We might also conduct soul journeys and probe our psychological issues, amongst other activities.  

Daydreams can also consist of clairvoyant images. I had a client move to Europe because of a daydream. In fact, a huge angel appeared when she was daydreaming. It revealed an image of Paris and then disappeared. After the daydream, she applied for a master’s program in Paris, sold her house to finance her studies, and moved to Paris to study. 

Do you want to understand your dreams, either daydreams or night dreams? The next exercise can be used to comprehend a daydream or night dream.  

Prepare: Grab a writing instrument and paper or use a computer. Write down everything you can remember about the dream. 

Step One: Conduct Spirit-to-Spirit. I teach this step in my book. It basically involves taking three steps, which are to affirm your personal spirit, those of the guides called to assist you, and the Spirit. Ask that all three types of essences work together to provide accurate insights. Know that you’ll be granted visions in response to the following questions or areas of interest and that you can write down your reflections. 

Step Two: Source the Image. Check with the Spirit. Does it approve of the source of the dream or not? What is the source of the dream? If a source is negative or undesirable, ask the Spirit to release you from that source and send healing streams to repair your psyche and boundaries. (Healing streams of grace are energies that are sent directly from the heavens to help you with any and all situations.) If the source is positive, you can continue. Otherwise, ask the Spirit to protect you from the harmful source. 

Step Three: Add More Elements. Record all the important dream elements in list form. These qualifiers could include colors, characters, shapes, landscape, locations, events, interactions, your emotional reactions, and more. 

Step Four: Analyze the Elements. Review the list and ask the Spirit to relate meaning to each of the elements. Ask for a psychic vision to explain any of the elements you don’t understand. Then ponder the overall meaning of these dream elements for a few moments and see if they add up to a central message. 

Step Five: Analyze the Central Image. If you are still unclear about the meaning of the dream, ask the Spirit to psychically show you an image depicting the core of the dream. Concentrate on this image and seek to understand its message. You can always request additional images. Write down your musings and conclusions. 

Step Six: Put It All Together. Look over everything you’ve written and ask the Spirit to summarize the entire dream in a final picture. Spend time with this picture and pull counsel from it. 

Step Seven: Request Healing Streams of Grace. Is there a reason for you or someone else to receive healing streams to follow the message in the vision? Now is the time to request these. 

Step Eight: Close. Thank the Spirit for the clarity and follow any advice culled from the dream. 

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About the author 

Cyndi Dale

Cyndi Dale (Minneapolis, MN) is an internationally renowned author, speaker, healer, and business consultant. She is president of Life Systems Services, through which she has conducted over 65,000 client sessions and presented training classes throughout Europe, Asia, and the Americas. Learn more at

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