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7 Crystals to Support Abundance in Every Area of Your Life

7 Crystals to Support Abundance in Every Area of Your Life by Yvette LeFlore | #AspireMag

When we think of abundance, we often think of financial matters. However, other areas of abundance include creativity, confidence, love, authentic communication, and connection to the Divine. We can use the subtle energies of crystals to boost the energy of each chakra and its connection to abundance. 

Here Are 7 crystals You Can Use to Support Abundance 


Red jasper aligns with the root chakra, which is associated with safety and security. Its robust red color reminds us of our connection to the Earth and the grounding it brings to create a sense of safety and security. If you feel your basic needs aren’t being met or you don’t deserve abundance, success, and prosperity, put red jasper near your toothbrush. As you start your day each morning, look at that red jasper and remind yourself that you are worthy of more than you can imagine and are taking action to meet your basic needs. Hold on to that red jasper and say, “I am worthy of all good things that come my way.”  


Carnelian helps to boost creativity, positive emotions, and pleasure. Creativity and emotions rely on the flow of giving and receiving with self, source, and others. Ask, “Am I able to enjoy creating wealth and opportunities? Do I feel empowered to receive as well as give? Do I allow myself to experience pleasure and joy without guilt?” These questions help us tap into our connection between abundance and creativity. Place a piece of carnelian near where you are doing creative work. If you desire to connect with joyful emotions, put a piece of carnelian in your receiving hand (this is the hand you don’t write with) and list five things for which you have deep gratitude. Connect with that abundant joy. Think of fire when you think of the orange color of carnelian. Let that creativity burn inside of you. 


Your solar plexus is the seat of personal power, and the tiger’s eye crystal supports abundance in this area. If you feel unmotivated to work toward a goal, lack the confidence to claim abundance, or feel disempowered about success, wear tiger’s eye. Of course, you can meditate with it or set it in your office space. However, confidence (or lack of it) tends to get a finger-hold on many areas of life throughout the day. So, wearing tiger’s eye jewelry or carrying a piece with you can support you when you aren’t even aware that your confidence needs a boost. If you aren’t sure if you could use the support of some tiger’s eye,  Ask yourself, “Do I feel confident in my decisions around money? Am I proactive about abundance, or do I wait for it to come to me? Do I believe in my ability to create, keep, and sustain abundance?” If you are a no to these questions or aren’t quite sure, tiger’s eye could be just the boost you need. 


In general, we are better at giving an abundance of love than receiving it. Have you noticed that? Think about compliments. Do you take them with an open heart or negate them somehow? Green aventurine supports us in opening to emotional and spiritual wealth. Green aventurine can help you if you are seeking a relationship abundant in love. When considering love and the heart chakra, ask yourself a few questions. Am I generous with my resources, knowing there’s enough for everyone? Do I trust that abundance flows when I act from a place of love and compassion? If you feel restricted by the flow of love and abundance, connect with the energy of green aventurine. Imagine the light green color of this crystal washing over you as you open your heart to receive abundance. 


The throat chakra focuses on speaking your truth with authenticity. When we think of the throat chakra and abundance, we think of communicating your value and creating opportunities through aligned expression. Amazonite, a crystal that vacillates between the green and blue spectrum, supports abundance for the throat chakra. Wear this crystal when you need support speaking positively about money, wealth, and success. Use it to bolster your authentic voice to communicate your wants and needs. Take note of the words you say about money. Use amazonite to move from words about scarcity to words of abundance. When it’s time to ask for that raise, put some amazonite in your pocket. Reach in and take hold of it to connect with the courage to use your voice to advocate for yourself.  


The third eye chakra connects you to your intuition and vision. Use the vibrant blue lapis lazuli to see the abundance you seek in all areas of life. Are there times when you don’t recognize an opportunity until it has passed you by? Lapis lazuli can help you identify the opportunities around you. Dreams are potent messengers of opportunities. Use lapis lazuli to support lucid dreaming. Consider using this crystal during meditation if you aren’t open to dreaming. Utilize it to help your clear knowing. Ask the crystal to help you visualize the abundance you seek.  


The crown chakra is your connection to Devine, and you can support this link with selenite or satin spar. Ask yourself if you trust in divine timing and abundance as a natural state of being. If there is hesitation in answering “Yes!” to these questions, partner up with either selenite or satin spar. These crystals help to clear any negative energy or thoughts. Additionally, they support your connection TO Devine.  

Abundance takes all forms, and the energy of the crystals listed above helps you connect on a deeper level with the energy of all your chakras.   

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About the author 

Yvette LeFlore

Yvette LeFlore is an intuitive energy healer and Reiki Master Teacher who partners with you to further your healing journey. She offers one-on-one energy sessions or classes to learn Reiki Levels 1, 2, and 3. Yvette believes that when one heals, we all heal, and she is passionate about helping you on our path because of the far-reaching difference it will make. Learn more at

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