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6 Reasons to Shift from Overcommitting to Nurturing Yourself

6 Reasons to Shift from Overcommitting to Nurturing Yourself by Dawn Michele Jackson | #AspireMag

You’re a bright light in the world full of wisdom, love and compassion. You often think about others’ needs before your own. You believe supporting others is more important than focusing on your own needs.  

Does that sound familiar? 

Many of us can relate! We want to make a difference in the world, which often equates to giving of ourselves until we are exhausted. Some of us continue to push through, while others realize it’s important to create change in our lives. 

Let’s discuss reasons you might want to shift from overcommitting to nurturing yourself: 

1. Restore Balance  

When our lives are out of balance, nothing works well. It’s like your vacuum missing a belt. It’s not going to function effectively without all parts in working order. The same goes for your life. If you’re spending all of your time taking care of the needs of those around you, it leaves little time for your own well-being. Relationships suffer, jobs suffer and life can seem like you’re paddling upstream. 

2. Enhance Wellness 

Think about how you feel when you’ve overcommitted. Do you feel stressed, overwhelmed and unsure how to get everything accomplished? That’s normal!! Unfortunately, stress over time leads to illness. It’s been proven time and time again how many diseases are brought on by stress, such as heart disease, high blood pressure and many others. The way to create wellness in your life is by making time to care for yourself which means adequate sleep, nutrition, exercise and time with those who bring love and light into your life. 

3. Spark Passion 

When you’re constantly taking care of the needs of others, it’s easy for those things you’re passionate about to fall by the wayside. Unrealized dreams may be waiting for you to step into their manifestation, but you’re too busy to notice the doors that are opening for you. Nurturing your relationship with yourself allows your passion to resurface. 

4. Cultivate Joy 

Overcommitting leads to exhaustion and stress, which makes it almost impossible to experience joy. Joy comes when you’re relaxed, grateful and able to move into your heart, not when you’re running around frantically taking care of others. 

5. Encourage Others 

While you cannot make anyone follow your lead, being a role model encourages others to follow suit. When those you love notice that you’re creating time for yourself and the positive impact it has on your life it will likely give them pause. As humans, we constantly look at the lives of others and adjust ours when we see something that we desire. Be that change in the world and the lives of others. Show those you love how nurturing yourself leads to greater fulfillment and joy. 

6. Create Boundaries 

When those you love see you constantly overcommitting, it often leads them to expect you to always drop everything for their needs. Sadly, you can’t be there at all times for everyone. You need to choose what you have the time and energy for but also create boundaries for yourself.  

Boundaries are difficult if you are a ‘giver.’ You likely don’t want to disappoint anyone so you end up overextending and disappointing yourself. It’s time to nurture you because the truth is that the more you nurture yourself the more ability you’ll have to support others.  

Consider what’s most important in your life. Make sure you choose to say ‘no’ when you require self-care. It’s okay to take time for you, your family and those things that are important in your life. 

One small change at a time leads to success! Be proud of yourself for every small shift you make away from overcommitting and towards nurturing yourself. You’re worth it! And I know you will succeed!  

5 Principles of Emotional First Aid for the Overcommitted Woman

It’s time to create space for YOU in your own life—instead of squeezing it in after you take care of everyone else. If you’re feeling overwhelmed, burned out, and resentful—those signs are letting you know it’s time for emotional first aid. Learn supportive strategies to help you shift from overcommitting and ignoring your needs. Download your free guide today!

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About the author 

Dawn Michele Jackson

As an Advanced Grief Recovery Specialist®, Infinite Possibilities Trainer, Women’s Retreat Facilitator, Nurse, and Amazon Bestselling Author, Dawn's primary focus is to guide individuals through healing their hearts, transforming their lives, and rediscovering joy.

Driven by a profound mission, Dawn is dedicated to helping individuals uncover their inner light and make the profound shift from surviving to thriving. Through her work with clients, she skillfully supports them in healing their hearts and achieving holistic wellness of mind, body, and spirit. With her nurturing approach, she assists individuals in unlocking their potential for growth and rediscovering joy. Learn more at

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