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Connect with Your Spirit Speak with Intuitive Journaling

Connect with Your Spirit Speak with Intuitive Journaling by Crystal Cockerham | #AspireMag

Your intuition is meant to be used as your inner compass. It is guidance that comes straight from the divine through your soul. It always has your highest and greatest good at the forefront.  

As a Red Tent Facilitator and Spiritual Mentor, I love watching a woman’s soul light up when she discovers how to connect with and utilize her intuition.  It’s truly a magical moment which allows her to acknowledge and accept her own divine guidance and claim her inner wisdom.  

Why does this light me up? Because it is a soul-quenching, empowering act which helps her become more confident as she fulfills her spiritual journey of this lifetime. 

Everyone’s intuition is unique to them. Learning what your divine communication is, or as I like to refer to it, your Spirit Speak, is key.  

Some ways your soul-guided Intuition may speak to you: 

The intuitive senses are commonly referred to as ‘the clairs’. In this article, I am only going to touch on the top three, but please know there are many more.  The three are: 

  • Clairvoyance is Inner Vision. When you read a book, do you see flashes, pictures and movies playing out in your head? This is your Inner Vision.  
  • Clairaudience is clear Inner Hearing. It can be staticky, or distant sounding with an echo. It can also be crystal clear and sound like a whisper or voice you know not to be yours. Whatever this is for you, other people are not able to hear it. 
  • Claircognizance is your Intuition, a gut feeling.  A clear undeniable knowing without knowing how you know. This is often validated for you physically in some way: the tension in your belly could release, you could feel a chill rush up your spine, your mind could suddenly become crystal clear, etc., 

I’d like to set some clear expectations so that you don’t think your ‘doing it wrong’. The shiny gift of a complete intuitive insight with all the details wrapped up in a bow, be it guidance or an answer to your query, rarely comes when you first begin to consciously work on strengthening your intuitive senses. It will come when the Divine knows it is the time to show up this way. It is a beautiful experience when it does!  

When you discover how to break the code of your soul’s guidance, you will have learned your Spirit Speak. Each one of us has a Spirit Speak that is unique to us. Here are some of the ways intuitive insights can come through:  

  • Dreams 
  • Songs 
  • Animals 
  • Numbers 
  • Repeated messages  
  • An idea or inspiration. 

If you think something is a message and piques an inner curiosity that comes from deep within, it is likely a message. 

Connecting with Your Intuition through Journaling 

So, what do you do with all of this when you are getting started or perhaps you feel you have a good handle on it and want to continue to expand your intuitive abilities?  Use an Intuitive Journal.  This impactful tool will help you strengthen and trust your divinely inspired soul guidance. 

An Intuitive Journal is a dedicated journal or notebook that helps you learn to trust and strengthen your intuition as well as record and track your Spirit Speak, or intuitive downloads.  Think of it like an intuitive message keeper so you don’t have to put the pressure on yourself to keep everything stored in your brain. 

Once you have your journal or notebook, grab some Post It® notes, and create tabbed sections in your journal.  This is a supportive way to get started until you learn how you prefer it to process your divine downloads. 

Recording Your Intuitive Insights. 

Here are some ideas for those tabbed sections of your journal. These are meant as ideas to get you started. You can add more, or subtract some, as you become familiar with your Spirit Speak. 

Dreams: Keep it next to your bed so it is ready for recording those dreams you feel could be or are intuitive guidance.  Don’t worry if you feel you don’t remember your dreams.  Just having the journal next to you may prompt you in your dream state.  

Divination: In this section you can record the oracle cards, tarot, runes, etc that you used that day. Record the messages in your journal.  For example, if you draw an oracle card each morning, write down the date, the card and the message of what you feel it meant in that moment. 

Signs & Symbols: The Universe is always speaking to us. It’s our job to pay attention.  Each day write down the signs and symbols that popped up:  Songs, animals, numbers, and repeated messages are some of the more common ones.   What’s important is that you include how and when the sign showed up and what it meant to you in that moment.  By doing so, you’ll begin to see patterns in how your spirit speaks to you.  

Déjà Vu & Synchronicities:  This is always a fun one. This section is to capture those moments when you have a feeling or premonition. Or it could be those moments when you find yourself in awe of the Divine and how it conspires to help you feel the magic in the moment.  When you start to play in this energy you’ll see more and more synchronicities. 

Daily Practice:  

Each day, allow time for stream of consciousness journaling where you let yourself go without questioning what you are writing, or your spelling, or grammar.  You can prompt the writing with a question about something you want clarity on, or you could ask for help to flesh out the meaning of some of the signs or symbols that have been coming through, etc., 

The act of intuitive journaling is an act of self-care where you give yourself permission to slow down and BE fully and unapologetically present. This creates an opening for you to be conscious of yourself without judgement, obligations, or to-do’s that your mind will try to override the respite from. It is dedicated time for you and your Goddess Self. I promise, even as you read this, your future self is already thanking you. 

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About the author 

Crystal Cockerham

Spiritual Mentor, Feminine Wisdom Teacher, Speaker and Author, Crystal Cockerham, works with empathic women to deepen their relationship with the Divine, learn their soul’s language, and hone their empathic gifts so they can create the divinely inspired life they envision, desire, and deserve. Through her offerings and Feminine Wisdom Keepers Community, Crystal empowers and supports women in awakening their inner wisdom and embracing their Goddess Light.

Crystal works with women in a sacred circle setting as well as individually both virtually and in person through spiritual and transformational retreats, Red Tents, Moon Circles and more! Newly added to her offerings is the divinely inspired Goddess Collection: Intentional Jewelry to Celebrate the Goddess in Every Woman, and Crystal’s Heart-Centered Products: Resources to Support & Enhance Your Sacred Practice.

In addition to authoring her own journal and 4-part meditation series bundle, Awaken Your Divine Wisdom: A Guided Journal Expedition to Explore Your Universe & Decode Its Secrets, Crystal has been published as a coauthor in several International Best Selling Books including: Radical Self Love, 365 Days of Self Love: Daily Exercises from Experts Around the World, and Reclaiming Your Mid-Life Mojo: Women’s Stories of Self-Discovery & Transformation. She is also a frequent contributor to Aspire Magazine & an Expert Instructor for Inspired Living University: A Sacred Curriculum & Community for Women.

Learn more about her sacred offerings and download your free 4-piece gift set, Rituals to Nurture Your Goddess Soul at

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