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7 Reasons Why Day-to-Day Desires Lead to Achieving Your Dream

7 Reasons Why Day-to-Day Desires Lead to Achieving Your Dream by Mary Magouirk | #AspireMag

When you think about your BIG DREAM, whatever that may be for you at this time in your life, do you think of it as something near and easy to attract or do you think of it as something far away and perhaps more difficult or time consuming to attract?  We may at times think it is too far away to wrap our heads around it, believe it is possible or put our attention on right now.  

When it comes to achieving our dreams, it is essential to achieve those “smaller” day-to-day desires along the way to the big dream.  Here are seven reasons why this is true. 

1. Enjoying the Journey.  You’ve undoubtedly heard the maxim “Life is about the journey, not the destination.” It is of vital importance for whatever you are doing to enjoy the journey on the way to your manifestation. One cannot reach a happy place at the end of an unhappy journey. When you are consistently achieving those day-to-day desires, enjoying your journey in life takes care of itself. 

2. Wins Along the Way.  Each time you manifest a smaller desire, you get to have a WIN. Wins are great. Celebrate those. Be in the habit of celebrating all the things you desire as you achieve them, no matter how small you might think they are. They serve a vital function of allowing you to enjoy and celebrate that journey and to keep the energy up for the manifestation of the big dream. Keeping a journal or photo log of those wins amplifies the energy towards the achievement of the bigger dream. 

3. Winning Feels Good.  If your win is in the category of achieving a step along the way to your dreams or simply something that makes life more pleasurable daily, achieving it feels good. Keep that winning feeling of just having achieved something alive by thinking about your wins often. That’s made easier by reliving the win through reviewing the journal or photo log mentioned in reason number 2. And when you do that, do it with all the feeling you had when you first achieved it.  

4. One Step Closer.  With every desire you achieve or attract along the way, you are one step closer to the big dream, and that, my friend, puts you into more of an energetic match to it. Even if it doesn’t seem the day-to-desire you just achieved is related to your big dream, experiencing the triumph, success or blessing of it increases your overall vibration. 

5. Life Gets Better and Better.  Most likely the fulfillment of those day-to-day desires you have would make your life even more enjoyable. And with the manifestation of each one you start feeling more blessed. Feeling more blessed leads you to the next one more expediently and joyously. Life gets juicy! 

6. It’s a Bridge.  “You can’t get there from here” is a real thing. For example, if you are feeling doubtful about the ability to manifest something and thinking it will take a long time to come to you, it is unlikely you can jump to “absolutely certain it’s yours now and already manifested” in one leap. It’s not your job to meddle in the how you are going to get there, but it is your job to believe wholeheartedly in that big dream. One way to do that is to allow those achieved smaller day-to-day goals and desires to form a bridge or a series of bridges that take you to the firm, all-knowing belief in your ability to have and experience the big dream. 

7. Divine Guidance.  When you take one step towards achieving the day-to-desires, the Universe swoops in and starts giving you guidance on what to do next. It is not revealed to you until you take the step that is in front of you or achieve that smaller goal now.  Once that is achieved, the next step is revealed to you, and so and so on. Following the Divine guidance will take you to your big dream one smaller desire at a time and often on a path you couldn’t have conceived of on your own. 

Abraham-Hicks says that it is as easy to manifest a castle as it is to manifest a button. Do you believe your big dream will take a long time to achieve, or a certain amount of hard work? Whatever it is you believe is how long it will take. Use these seven reasons to help you get clear on some desires you’d like now. Start following Divine guidance, celebrating your wins along the way, enjoying the deliciousness of life that unfolds for you and before you know it, you’ll be living the big dream. Can you see how it all works together? 

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About the author 

Mary Magouirk

Conscious Choices Coach Mary Magouirk empowers and teaches her clients how to make conscious choices that align their thoughts, beliefs, and actions with the dreams and vision they hold for their life. As a Master Law of Attraction Coach and Desire Factor Coach, Mary’s unique methodology, empowering use of storytelling, and her supportive non-judgmental coaching style supports clients in understanding where their predominant vibration is and how they can consciously choose to create the outcomes that they desire. Learn more at Download your free 6 Steps to Co-Create Your Dream Life eguide today.

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